•Chapter 2• Bite

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°Your Pov°

alright (y/n) you can do this, your the one who choose the full responsibility of raising Horror, so you can do this and your probably wondering what am doing welp let's recap a few hours ago

°Flashback brought to you by Yolo Fresh°

After finally convincing Mama Cry, she went to the back storage to get supplies for you know bitty stuff like Food,Cloths,Chew toys, and maybe some Gloves? I don't know, Anyways while she was getting some supplies, I decide to break the cold ice between me and him

"Soooo Hey"

He didn't reply he just glared at you

".... Uhhhhhh how's it like the feeling to be adopted? "

Nothing still nothing
"Sh*t! this is getting awkward"
You thought


So after a few more minutes of silence and having a starring contest that seem endless, Mama Cry Finally returned and gave your a box full of supplies needed for your bitty and for you as well :,)

"Alright Miss (y/n) everything you need is in this box, I even got gloves in there
Just in case Horror starts biting you and if there's ever an Emergency, just contact me and I'll be on my way"

You nodded as she hands you her number, after that you sign up some papers and waited at the counter, since madam cry had to contain horror for abit, while you waited you saw a person right next to the counter as well, holding the box that you carrying it seem to have a rainbow color the box that is, then you notice a really colorful bitty with a 90's look and some Yolo Glasses sitting on there shoulder

"Sup bruh"

You glance around for a bit the pointed to yourself

"Oh course I'm speakin to ya Duddette"

Then you put down your hand

"That's pretty rad for a for ya to adopt Horror Chika"

"What do you mean?"

"Well its actually a pretty long story well here's the thing hor-"
He then got interrupted by the person who he sat on the shoulder, they seem to be in a hurry

- oh wait never mind bruh, my new homie really needs to get back to there fam yo, catch ya on the flip side, I'll be watching you~"

You awkward wave him goodbye, it kinda creep you out when he said he'll be watching but nonetheless he doesn't know where you live so that's that

Madam Cry came back and handed a small unbreakable glass container, with an Angry horror of course

"Great.... " You thought


We finally made it to my home, it was surprising that Horror seem really quite, he didn't bother you one the way home which was surprising

"Maybe you finally warm up to me... I hope"

You then gently place all the stuff down, as you open the container,once you did, Horror took the chance to bite your point finger, you scream in pain as he let go of you and ran off somewhere in the house, tears begun form your eyes as you quickly ran to the bathroom

You turn on the sink as you let the water flow down to your finger, you hiss in pain and wipe the tear with your other hand

"If he didn't let go that moment I swear he could have bitten my finger off completely"

You mumble as the stop flowing, you the slowly wiped it with a white clean towel,
Then proceeded to wrap bandages around it, Once you finish, you got our of the bathroom and look for horror and then...

In the kitchen you see horror holding a really sharp kitchen knife pointer towards you with a Craze grin plastered on his face now "here I am, I'm the one who choose this responsibility and I ain't backing away from it not now not ever..."

To be Continued UwU

Oof sorry this took so long I didn't have any ideas tbh ŌwŌ

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