This is Halloween

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I don't think I had a time set for this story but right now it's Halloween bitches

           October. Halloween. Frank's birthday

I love all of these things, October has perfect weather and it's really nice out. I hate summer because it's super hot and you can't wear a hoodie, in winter it's too cold so you can't wear just a hoodie and in Spring......I don't know, I guess it rains too much even though I love the rain. Fall is perfect and October is the best month of fall. I don't know what to get Frank for his birthday though......he probably has every cd by the Misfits so that's out of the picture. Arghhh I have been thinking for 14 minutes and still nothing, he would know what to get me. I suck.

Ray seems smarter than me, he should know. 

"RAYYY, RAY DAMMIT OPEN THE DOOR" I pounded on it because when I knocked 3 minutes ago he didn't answer

I watched as Ray flung open the door, he was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and his hair was wrapped in a towel

"I was in the shower, what do you want?" Ray questioned "It's Frank's birthday" I said with a sigh ".....and?" Ray responded "I need your help because I don't know what to get him, I know that sounds bad but I haven't seen him in a while so I don't know a lot of recent stuff, it seems like nothing changed about him but I want to be sure so any bright ideas Mr. Fro-yo?" I tried to keep it serious but of course I fucked up

"Well get inside and don't ever call me 'Fro-yo' again" Ray said, laughing a little. I was really pushing my luck because this man is one of my only chances to get Frank something perfect

"Okay, well first we can say that Frank likes you and you like him" Ray started and sat down on the couch 

I sat down as well

"Okay, what does that have to do with anything?" I said, confused

"Well I could help you organize some perfect night, you two can go do something fun"

"What could we do?"

"I don't know, how about some sort of nature thing, I know a place. There's this giant hill with a flat surface at the top. Set up some blankets and stuff, it could be like a picnic and then a surprise!" 

"What surprise?"

"A surprise party"

"Where would it be?"

"Your house, ask him to go to the store with you to get candy to pass out for Halloween because that's the night we're gonna do this, bring him back to your house and we'll all be there to celebrate! After the party drive him there, I'll have everything set up and trust me I'll make it romantic"

"Ray you are the BEST!!"

I hugged him and probably got close to killing him

"Okay a similarity you and Frank have, one of you are gonna hug a person to death"

hAlLoWeEn TiMeSkIp

It's Halloween it's Halloween it's HALLOWEEN!!!!!

Ray said everything was ready and I'm driving to Frank's house to take him to the store

"Hey (y/n)" Frank said as he got into the car, he was wearing an Iron Maiden shirt and ripped, black jeans

"Like what you see?" He caught me staring, he started laughing as we drove

We got 2 giant bags of candy, I was surprised they still had some

As we walked in my house we heard everyone yell "SURPRISE" and about 5 confetti canons were shot at Frank 

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