Imagine 3

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Well, yeet Guess I'm back. Though not gonna be updating really often 

(maybe twice or thrice a month?)

Also this one isn't gonna be a smut, gonna have something kinda soft for a change ig.

You and Shawn had been friends for three years now and what he didn't know that was you had a crush on him ever since the start. You had never gained the courage to confess though he was usually single because you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had. 

You were always jealous of anyone who he dated or even openly flirted with, though he had now been single for more than a year. You tried your best to hide your feelings whenever he introduced you to any of his girlfriends. But recently you were having a hard time keeping all your emotions cooped up. To make matters worse Shawn too had been behaving strangely whenever he was around you for example he always tried to avoid you when you were alone together and hardly spoke to you though thankfully he still acknowledge your presence. So you decided to go out of your way to interact and talk with him whenever you could. Until you had enough. 

So the next day you reached school earlier so that you could talk to him when the hallways were less crowded. And that's when you saw him at 8:05 rummaging through his locker. You strode up to him and knocked on the locker door. Startled, he stopped and stared at you. That's when you asked him, "why have you been avoiding me?" , "Did I do something?" You said with a hint of concern in your voice." It's complicated and I'm not doing it entirely on purpose" he said, "I'll talk to you after school". What didn't surprise you was his reply but the blush that slowly crept onto his face as he spoke to you. You brushed it away from your mind , "don't get your hopes up (y/n) he was probably just embarrassed" but still, the image replayed in your mind throughout the day giving you a ray of hope. 

The hours passed by slower until it was finally the end of the day. You could see Shawn anxiously waiting for you outside your class. You blushed. Why was he so cute? He smiled at you as you walked up to him. Since your house was 5 minutes away from his and he new the route between well due to the countless times he had gone to your house he offered to walk you back home as he talked. You put your books into your locker and set off for home. His nervousness seemed to increase as you neared the school gate. After you left the premises you asked him, " Is there anything you want to tell me?". And that's when he confessed to you nervously as he started blushing furiously, "um..(y/n) I've actually liked you for a Long time, almost ever since we met and I've always hid my feelings because I didn't want to ruin our friendship and that's why I started avoiding you because I thought I was being too obvious.". You almost laughed in delight as you started blushing too you replied with, " Shawn I actually like you too, ever since we met".

His smile after he heard that could have light up a whole room. "Really (y/n)! This is too good to be true". "I can make it better" you said and did one of things you never dreamed that you would ever get to do. You leaned forward and pecked him on his lips, he looked giddy with happiness as he stared at you and blushed intensely. There was no one else on the street as your school ended earlier than most of the other schools and offices. Before you knew it his lips were on yours and was kissing you passionately once your brain could compute what was happening you started kissing him back just the same. The kiss deepened and he younger flitted past your lips exploring your mouth making you want him even more. You tugged at his locks of hair as his hands roamed your back. You broke the kiss and came up for breath and stared into each other's eyes blushing even more furiously. "You're a good kisser" Shawn said making you laugh. 

You continued walking together, your hands clasped. You reached your house and gave Shawn a goodbye hug and a final peck on his lips causing a shy smile to appear on his face. "Bye (y/n) I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" He said making you grin and say, "same here!" 

You closed the door and went to your room where you pinched yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming. "This was one of the best days of your life" you thought. And the sparkling sensation which filled you as you kissed him came back faintly as if firecrackers were gently popping around you. You blushed as you remembered his smiling face and wished that you could relive this moment at once more.

Shawn Mendes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now