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A few moments later
I wake up on King's pillow,I look up and see Ban on the wall with his blood splattered.
I sit up,"Yeah get him Meliodas!"I shout having no Idea what was going on but it looked like Meliodas was winning
I turn my head to see everyone around me looking
"What's wrong with you guys?"I ask
Hawk who fell next to me.
"I don't know it feels like all the strength in my body is gone.."Elizabeth says
It was Hunter fest

"I feel so worn out."Hawk says
"Well sucks to be you guys."I rest my hands behind my head.
"Hey how come you're not affected!?"Hawk shouts
"I'm Y/n,I'm too beautiful to be like you guys,"I smirk
"You've got a large ego Y/n,"Hawk says
"Yeah a beautiful one."I say
"Do you have to add beautiful to all your sentences?"Hawk says
"My beautiful sentences,"I reply
Hawk groans
I laugh
It was because Ban chose not to take my power away.
I turn my attention to Ban and meliodas.

"Those people were really starting to get on my nerves..except Y/n,"He looks at me.
I stick my tongue out at him.
"Shut up and continue getting your ass beat,"I say

"Anyways captain show me that secret ace in the hole you've got,"Ban says his muscles become bigger and his jacket rips.
"I-"I say stunned
"Guess I have no choice.."Meliodas reveals his demon form
Ban rushes over to him and kicks him Meliodas' blood splatters on the walls.
Ban continued punching Meliodas over and over.
I watch in silence
Meliodas then rams his head into Ban and Ban grabs his face.
Meliodas wraps himself around Bans arm he twists it causing it to cut off.
Meliodas using that hand to slap Ban in the face.
"Fox hunt!"Ban says
His arm reattaches itself with Meliodas still on is.
"Gotta say nothing compares to battling it out with you captain."Ban says
"Right back at ya!"Meliodas says
They then begin punching eachother at a really fast speed whilst,chuckling smoke then surrounds the cube so we're unable to see inside.
After a while of this everyone fell asleep.
Later I hear something break it's the perfect cube.
Everyone else begins standing up like their power's come back.
Meliodas and Ban lay on the ground for a while due to being exhausted.
A few moments later everyone begins to leave.
Gilthunder helps Meliodas.
I gather myself and begin stretching ready to walk.
I see Ban wait for for me
I walk past him.
"Y/n."He says
"What?"I stop not turning around.
For a few seconds we stood in silence.
The sun had almost completely disappeared.
"You gonna talk or waste my time a little longer?"I say

"You called me selfish..."He says
"Yeah I did so?you are."I say
"But you're just as selfish as me."He says
"What're you on about?"I say
"You're selfish Y/n,you're one of the most selfish people I've ever met!"He says
"What?why?!i haven't done anything selfish In a really long time and you know tha-"He says
"You're selfish because you choose to suffer on your own not letting anyone else in,you convince everyone you're okay but you know you're not you cry yourself to sleep on most nights thinking I don't notice,this curse you're facing you choose to go through it alone you're always thinking about what you're gonna do about the trouble you face alone!You have so many people that care about you and you still choose to face everything alone,"Ban says
Tears leave my eyes
All this time I thought I've been hiding my feelings well but he's noticed
How does he know?

"It's not...it's...not like t-that I'm not alone.."I sniff
"You've been alone for so long..that you haven't noticed it yourself,you always convince the captain you're alright but you know that deep inside you're not..you pretend to be this strong person..you smile through your pain for the sake of other people,you act happy for the sake of other people but the truth is you're one of the people that's suffering the hardest,you're afraid that if you open up people will see you as a bother or a problem and they'll get tired of you,you're afraid that if people see your flaws that they'll leave you."Ban says
I'm now sobbing he's just captured my whole mood.
"So!?"I shout wiping my tears over and over as they continue falling.
"I'm sorry.."He comes up to me and hugs my back
"I'm sorry that I contributed to making you feel  more pain like you're not good enough..I'm sorry Y/n what I did is unforgivable I'm sorry that I was never there for you sooner..I'll try harder for you."Ban says
I stood there staring at him with my brows furrowed hesitant on forgiving or not
"I said i'll forgive you when you're dead.."I mumble

"I choose you Y/n,I only agreed to what that horn wanted me to do because I thought it would bring her back and I wouldn't have to live with the guilt from drinking from the fountain of youth for the rest of my life,it's nothing romantic I promise you .I wasn't thinking and I was being selfish not considering your feelings.If you want me to I'll try my very best to erase her from my mind completely.I don't have much to give you but I can give you my word on that we can even have Merlin make some spell to make me for-"

"I hate you."I say with tears flooding my eyes
"You make me feel things that I don't want to feel..you make my chest hurt."

"I promise from now on I'll try my best not to,I will love each part of with everything in me just please let me be by your side again."He says holding my hand

"Fox sin Ban if you ever pull that bullshit on me again I promise I'll search the world for a cure to your immortality and kill you for real."

His face lights up and he hugs me right resting his chin on my head

"For now you can stab me all you want if that makes you feel better."He says
"Yeah later."
He chuckles
"From now on no more secrets I wanna know everything about you,you know my sin but I don't know yours."He says
I stay silent
"Well..if you insist I'll start from the beginning,my sin..one of the reasons I don't use black flames."

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