Holly, Jolly [Pt.1]

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We were coming up with a plan, the next morning.

"We just tell our parents we have AV Club after school. That'll give us a few hours for Operation Mirkwood." Mike said.

"You seriously think that the weirdo knows where Will is?"

"Just trust me on this, okay? Did you get the supplies?"

"Yeah," Lucas replied. "Binoculars... from 'Nam. Army knife... also from 'Nam. Hammer, camouflage bandana... and the wrist rocket!" He said proudly showing off his wrist rocket.

"You're gonna take out the demogorgon with a slingshot?" Dustin questioned.

"First of all, it's a wrist rocket,"

"Yeah, whatever," I muttered.

He continued, "And second of all, the Demogorgon's not real. It's made up. But if there is something out there, I'm gonna shoot it in the eye..." It fake launched the 'wrist rocket,' and blind it!"

"Dustin, what did you get?" Mike asked.

Dustin pulled his backpack over and started dumping it all over, and out came... snack bags.

"Well, alrighty." He started. 

We all looked at him like "seriously?"

He continued: "We got Nutty Bars, Bazooka, Pez, Smarties, Pringles, Nilla Wafers, apple, banana, and trail mix."

"Seriously?" Lucas said.

"We need energy for our travels. For stamina. And besides, why do we even need weapons, anyway? We have her."

"She shut one door!"

"With her mind! Are you kidding me, that's insane! Imagine all the other cool stuff she could do. Like..." He went to go grab Mike's plastic Star Wars ship toy.

"I bet... that she could make this fly!" He held it. "Hey. Hey. Okay, concentrate. Okay?"

Then he dropped it, and El had this look that said "You ain't making me do shit."

The toy clattered to the ground. Me, Mike, and Lucas all looked at him like he was crazy.

I was looking at him with my mouth slightly open, and one eyebrow raised.

"Okay, one more time." He said, determined to make that thing fly.

I let out a small laugh. Lucas sighed.

"Use your powers, okay?"

He dropped it again, and same result.

"Idiot." Lucas muttered.

"She's not a dog!" Mike yelled, darting for the toy.

"Kids!" Mrs. Wheeler called. "Time for school!"

We all grabbed out backpacks and shoved them over our shoulders.

"Just stay down here." Mike said, his voice getting fainter. "Don't make any noise, and don't leave."

I rushed up the stairs and closed the door. "Bye, El!" I said, quietly enough that Mrs. Wheeler wouldn't hear.


Me and the boys were looking at rocks, so Lucas could "shoot" whatever had Will.

None of the rocks were looking good, unfortunately.

"How about this one?" Mike asked, showing it to everyone.

"Too big for the sling." Dustin replied. "So do you think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-Men, or do you think she acquired them, like... like Green Lantern?"

"She's not a superhero, she's a weirdo." Lucas said.

"Would you quit calling her that?" I said.

"Well, she IS a weirdo, im not lying."

"Okay, maybe she has powers and shit, but she's still a living human being with a brain."

"Why does that matter? The X-Men are weirdos." Mike stated.

"If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?" Lucas said.

"What are you talking about?" Mike denied.

"Mike, seriously?"


"You look at her all, like..." He got into position, "Hi El! El! El! El! I love you so much!" He tackled him in a hug. "Would you marry me?" He bent down on one knee.

"Shut up, Lucas!"

"Yeah, shut up, Lucas." We all heard and we all sighed knowing that the douche of the century is back.

"What are you losers doing back here?" Troy asked.

"Probably looking for the missing friend," James laughed.

"That's not funny. It's serious, he's in danger."

"I hate to break it to you, Toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says. He said he was probably killed by some other queer," He laughed.

"Come on. Just ignore them," Mike said.

Then Troy tripped Mike over as he tried to walk and his chin fell on a rock... ouch.

"Mike, are you okay?" I said, all of us running over to him.

"Watch where you're going, Frogface."

He and James high fived and started to leave the scene, laughing like the douchebags that they are.

"Such douchebags, it's so damn sickening," I said, out loud, loud enough for them to hear.

"What'd you say, Winter?"

"You and your stupid idiot goon squad are such douchebags, it's so damn sickening," I said, trying to help Mike.

Then I got up and turned to face him, but only got a slap on the face in return.

"Make sure to watch that little potty mouth of yours next time, Winter,"

Now they were laughing again, and now they left.

"Are you okay?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just a little sting. How are you, Mike?"

"Yeah," He said, voice quivering from pain.

There was a pause.

"Hey," Dustin said, picking up a rock. "How about this one?"

Mike and Lucas and I grinned.

"Yeah, the jinxed.

"Yeah, this is it," Mike said.

"Oh, yes it is," I said.

"Oh, yeah. This is the monster killer!" Lucas said.

I just hope it's good enough to hurt whatever has Will...

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