Chapter 3

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Maybe I can just drive myself home? I'm not that drunk anyway and it is still pretty early in the night. I think to myself as I look at the Uber prices. I decide to check the time and I see that it is only a quarter till 1.

"Fuck this" I say as I finally decide that I'm just going to drive myself. I really don't want to wait for an Uber and honestly, I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. As I unlock my car I hear someone pull up beside me. I turn around and see none other than my favorite person in the world sitting in the driver's seat

"Hey Liyah! Goin homme so soon," Aaron slurs halfway hanging out of the window o f his car. I just shake my head at him and unlock my door.

"I hope yourr notdrivin" He adds as he puts his car in park in the middle of the street.

"Commeon Aaliiyah I just wannnna talk, pleeeeease baby" He pleads staring at me with those big blue eyes. "Let me driive you homme mamasss"

I sit there and contemplate my options in my head.

He could wreck he's obviously very highly intoxicated

But that is also not your problem

But you're also gonna feel terrible if something happens

I groan loudly and take my one leg out of my car and go over all the ways this could go wrong.

I sigh and decide that everyone will be a lot safer if I just give Aaron a ride. It's not like he lives very far away anyway.

"Maybe I could just give you a ride instead" I try to give him a slight smile. " I think that I am a lot less intoxicated than you are hon"

He pouts at me but then goes to park his car across the street from mine right in front of the party house. He gets out and stumbles over to my car with a goofy smile plastered across his face.

As he gets in the car it feels as if the whole atmosphere goes sour. The air suddenly feels thicker and I swear I can smell the stale air. I feel like there is a huge rock sitting in the pit of my stomach.

If sitting in a car with your drunk ex boyfriend doesn't sober you up real quick then I honestly don't know what will.

Unsure of what to say or do, I quickly turn on the radio and begin the drive to his house.

"Can we just talk, talk about where we're going." I roll my eyes internally and curse myself for even turning the damn radio on as I hear "Talk" by Khalid coming through the speakers of my car.

The first few moments of the car ride are stifling with awkward silence but Aaron ends up being the first to break it.

"So did youu really mean it when you said that you wanted to be donne with mee?" he says lazily turning his head to look at me as he speaks.

"Did you really have to go sleep with another person" I fire back immediatly as I feel the anger rising already.

"Liiyah, you knoow that I love youuu and only you, babygirl. What happened was a mistake." He pleads

"Mistakes only happen once Aaron. Once you continue to do it, then it becomes a choice. You chose to cheat which means that you chose someone else over me. And I don't know if I can forgive you for that." I just let the words fall out.

All of the emotions that I had been trying not to let out were beginning to rise to the surface. After I am done speaking, Aaron just sits there staring out of the window as we drive. As if he suddenly decided that I wasn't worth his buzz or something. But sadly after a few minutes he opens his beautiful mouth and begins speaking again.

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