🦇1. Dupain-Cheng-Alexandru.🦇

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Daria Alexandru.

As I walk down the streets of Paris France, I can feel my seeing eye dog stop, so I followed his silent warning and could hear cars passing in front of us. My dog guides me everywhere, but I don't need his help 24/7. I can use my eyes, but not always. Today is one of those bad days where my eyes go completely black and I can't see anything. Ironic how this happened today of all days when I'm supposed to go and meet my distant family and live with them. It should wear off by tomorrow, then I'll have most of my sight back for at least a week, if I'm lucky. Lupine started to walk again, and I listened as cars were stopped to let us cross. He led me to the other side of the street and paused a moment as I got out a map that showed where my distant Aunt's home was. I listened closely to see if anyone was close by to ask directions.

"Pardon Me, Monsieur, do you happen to know where the Dupain-Cheng Bakery is?" I ask politely, stopping a nearby man.

"Oh, yes, I do. I am actually the owner, Tom. I'm actually on my way back from the store. Follow me." The man, Tom says in a friendly tone.

"You heard the man, Lupine, follow him." I say, already feeling him start to follow. I held the handle of my bag tighter as we went.

"If I may ask, where are you from? I don't think I know your accent." Tom asks curiously as he walks beside me on the way to his Bakery.

"I'm from Transylvania, sir." I say politely as Lupin slows down and guides me through a small crowd of people. Tom places a hand on my shoulder so that we don't get lost from him before we get out of it.

"Oh, please call me Tom. Would you like me to carry your bag?" Tom asks politely and I nod in thanks. He gently takes it from me. "Is it alright if I ask why you're going to the bakery? I don't mind the business, but we're actually closed today." Tom explains his confusion.

"Oh, I am looking for my distant Aunt. My mother had her address listed at the Dupain-Cheng Bakery. I am Daria Alexandru."

"Daria? I think I've heard my wife, Sabine, mention a Daria before."

"Sabine? That's my Aunt's name in fact. So, you're my distant Uncle Tom?" I ask as he opens the door to the bakery for me and Lupine.

"I believe so. Why don't you take a seat and I'll go get Sabine."

"Alright." I nod, sitting in a booth with Lupine as Tom places my suitcase on the side of the booth. I pet Lupine to keep myself busy.

"Maman, papa! I'm Home!" I hear a girl say from the entrance of the bakery. "Oh, I'm sorry, I think the bakery is closed today, miss."

"Yes, Tom told me that when he was walking me here. Are you Tom and Sabine's Daughter?" I ask politely as Lupine stiffens slightly.

"Oh, yes. I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Who are you?"

"I am Daria Alexandru. I'm pretty sure I am your distant cousin."

"Daria?!" I hear a woman shout not far from me. "Oh! Honey it's so good to see you! I haven't seen you since you were 4!" The woman gushes.

"Hello Aunt Sabine." I say, standing and smiling at the older bluenette.

"Oh How I've missed you, Daria! Come, let's get you and your things upstairs!" She says excitedly as Tom grabs my bags and Marinette holds the doors open for us as Sabine and Lupine guide me upstairs into the living room. "Marinette, this is my niece, your cousin, Daria Alexandru."

"It's lovely to meet you, officially, Marinette." I say with a bright smile. "I hope I'll get to see how you and Tom look by tomorrow."

"Uh, what do you mean?" Marinette asks confusedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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