soft hands to hold

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yoongi pov

in life many of the things you so desperately want to obtain can't be reached. wanting to be a super star?.. no. wanting to go to mars?.. nah. wanting to have a pet shark?.. never. wanting to obtain a certain someone for the soul purpose of doing things un platonically?... maybe.

"aish, tae! the question is so simple you only need to show the difference between a chemical change and a physical change" the certain someone i would love to obtain myself is trying to teach one of the younger students in our class, taehyung, to answer the chemistry questions. i sat two seats behind them and just admired from afar.

his hair as fluffy as it was the day before. his nose perfectly pointed and his lips that are oh so kissable. i leaned my chin against my palm and sighed in content. the boy i seem to admire very much is named jung hoseok.

he transferred from a private school about 6 months ago and ever since then my heart cant contain such thrill. the moment i laid my eyes on him, everything seemed to feel light. he mostly paid attention to the floor as he introduced himself his first day since he was shy but i didn't mind.

he was so mesmerizing and i couldn't help but want to get to know him better which has been going unsuccessful. there's something about me that switches whenever he's near me. maybe it's a good switch?

"hey yoongi? can i borrow a highlighter?" hoseok asked me as i was thinking and i scoffed. i aggressively take out one of my five favorite highlighters i purchased on my own out of my kumamon pencil case and threw it. "next time bring your own damn stationary hobi" i told him and hoseok only smiled wide and continued to assist tae after picking it up from the floor.

yeah.. it's not a very good switch. i become extremely rude to hoseok but i really can't help it. i get so overwhelmed with his presence that the only way i can cope with this myself is to be mean.

im like this with a lot of people in my school life but hoseok gets my attitude the most. he has to deal with my rudeness every single day. it's one of the main reasons i believe he would never like me the way i do. he will never see how i truly feel because of my stupid habit.

as i began to inject negative thoughts into my brain, the bell to go to lunch rang and i waited for hoseok to give me back my highlighter as i started to clean up but he seemed to forget he even had it. i pouted at the thought and reached over to tap his back but it was too late. he was already out the door.

i whined to myself as i realized i needed to confront him about it. im not use to talking to him outside of classes. i took a deep breathe in as i took a step forward and walked to his usual hang out.

as i walked through the hormone filling hallways, i noticed my friend namjoon in the corner of the hall on his phone. i slowly approached him and tapped on his shoulder. he looked down at me and smiled as he pressed pause on his music.

"yo yoon, whats up?" he asked me and i explained simply that i needed to find where hoseok was because i wanted my very important highlighter back. he knew about my huge crush on him and i would have appreciated him not mentioning it to me... but faith wasn't on my side today. he smirked and pointed to the direction opposite of where i was walking. "that way my small hyung , he was being pulled away by some people so better get your man before it's too late" he said as i hit his shoulder and scoffed.

"i swear you always make me hate you more and more" i rolled my eyes as i turned around and walked to where namjoon pointed. i could hear some kissing sounds coming out of his mouth as i walked away so i flipped him off.

'stupid donsaeng..' i thought as i was left and right turns in every corner. i always hated how big the school actually was. i looked at all the teenagers passing by me and noticed a lot of them were in their younger years which kinda frightened me. people younger than me always have so much energy and im not fond of someone who likes to jump up and down over something as simple as a good test score.

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