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"With the full force of a dying star. I will find you, if you're near or far, wherever you are."


The sand grabbed at my feet as I ran away. I did not belong here. This was a nightmare, a bizarre dream from which I could not wake from.
I snuck a quick glance behind me. To my relief, I found no pursuers.
The blistering heat smothered me, but I soldiered on. I had to find this wreckage. I had to make it real. As long as there was a chance that this was some sort of nightmare...
I had no idea what I would do if this was real.
I trudged up and over a rather large dune, thinking to myself that it would have been a better idea to steal one of the animals my "rescuer's" had.
I stopped momentarily to hunch over and catch my breath atop the dune.
As I looked up, I saw a glint below. I made an unfamiliar noise in my throat as I scrambled down the dune. I slipped and slid my way down to a stop at its base.
I lifted myself up from the sand and made my way to the wreckage. My eyes filled with moisture as a sob threatened to break from my chest. A dry wind picked up, flicking my long golden hair behind me.
I briskly used the back of my hand to wipe the tears prickling my eyes. I gasped for air, nearly hyperventilating.
My hand came to rest on a rather large and jagged piece of metal. I closed my eyes, as a plethora of emotions rushed through me like a tidal wave. Memories flooded through my brain. I remembered feeling desperate and hopeless. I remember grasping the handle of the escape pod, praying that I'd somehow survive.
I sat down hard on the sand, at least as much as I could. I pushed the hair out of my eyes, and I cried.
This was real. This wasn't some fever dream. This wasn't something that one of my brothers dreamed up. The Oasis had been burning. I had been whisked to an escape pod and found myself... here. At least, wherever here might be.
It then struck me that I was alone. My friends and family, people that I have known my entire life were dead. Even if they survived, they had escaped like me and crash landed.
The sob escaped. I cried hard as my hands scavaged the last physical manifestation of the Oasis. My home for my entire life now reduced to ashes.
The worst part is, I couldn't remember how I did it. I don't remember how the Oasis got so bad, how I managed to find the escape pods again. Let alone managed to land it. Well, crash land it.
All I could remember were the emotions from before. I remember voices that sounded familiar, but I couldn't connect them to the faces.
The heat bore down on me, but I paid it no attention. I meticulously made my way through the wreckage, when a bright pink scrap of clothing materialized itself in front of me.
Another sob escaped from deep within me, and I scrambled to the material. I brought it to my nose and breathed it in.
"Pink?" I snorted.
"What can I say Courtney? I'm unique," he retorted smugly.
"You're something alright," I smirked. "Something else."
His long eyelashes winked over his hazel eyes. He pulled me in for a chaste kiss. "Maybe I'll get you one someday, Court."
I pulled the fabric loose from the jagged sheet of metal. I used this to dab at the tear descending down my dusty cheek.
I allowed myself a few moments to cry. While I blustered I tied the cloth around my arm, over the biggest bruise I had.
"I thought you would be here."


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Into the Unknown (A Shortney Story) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now