T W E N T Y - F I V E

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After retrieving Valerie from Sebastian's bar, I drove back home and carried her sleeping body to bed. I gently laid her on the bed and took a couple of steps back to see her sleeping.

She had told me.

She had told me and despite everything that i was telling myself all of that time laying in bed while she was out, I had once again given into what she wants.

She's my dream, I had told her this before, but so was having kids, and now i was torn between what she just recently wanted and what i have wanted my whole life.

I was torn between loving her and hating her.

Well, that's stupid i could never hate her. but still, i was so angry, so angry that she had to put me in this situation, I shouldn't have to chose but she made me do it.

She slept peacefully all night, and i couldn't even blink. My mind didn't shut up the whole night and i had to see how it got clearer and brighter and i was still not able to sleep.

The rays of sunshine that got inside the room because i had forgotten to close the curtains completely, those rays hit her face making her groan while stirring from sleep. I sighed and just watched her from the couch i was sitting in, a few feet away from her.

she opened her eyes slowly, moving her arm to reach for me, I wasn't there and she frowned, and when she sat up she saw me sitting in front of the bed.

"Oh, morning, i didn't know you were awake already..." she said softly and i sighed shaking my head.

"I didn't sleep at all, but " I shrugged and ran my hands through my face."I wish it never happened..." I can't help but whisper and she quickly looks up at me, he eyes filled with confusion and pain.

"What?" I know she heard me, she was just asking me to elaborate. My eyes were already glossy.

"Stacy." I say sighing and closing my eyes, a few tears already escaping from my eyes. "If it had never happened, you wouldn't have changed your mind about having a family with me" I whispered again and she sighs again letting herself fall on the bed to look at the ceiling again.

"I told you that last night, didn't i..." She asks and sighs placing her hand on her forehead, i am still so angry, and sad at the same time, i am afraid to speak and say something i regret. "I was drunk, Noah, I am not sure i was thinking straight."

"Bullshit!" I snap and her eyes widen when she lifts her head resting her body on her elbows. "You said it drunk because you wouldn't be brave enough to say it sober."

"Excuse me?"

"You are a coward, you always have been, I'm even surprised you haven't run away again already. I am so tired, Valerie, SO tired of having to chase you and bring you back" i'm running circles over my temples, the level of frustration in my body is about to overwhelm me,

"maybe you shouldn't... "

"Yeah, maybe... " I say standing up from the couch, shaking my head in disbelief, how can she say something like that?. I sigh heavily, not having the energy to keep talking about the subject and i just got my duffle bag from the chair and placed it on the other side of the bed to start packing the few things that i had taken out.

"what are you doing?" She asks sitting up in bed again, my eyes meet hers for a second and i sigh.

"I just want to go home, thanksgiving weekend is over for me, I have nothing to be thankful for." I kept packing without looking at her and she huffed standing up from the bed and grabbing her bag as well, changing her clothes for clean ones and putting everything that was hers inside.

CALL ME BACK? || Noah Centineo AU (3rd Book)Where stories live. Discover now