January 5, 1997

509 17 3

“Lindsey, baby, can you bring me more tea with honey” Stevie yelled from the bedroom, normally she would get it herself, but the doctor had ordered her to stay in bed, a few weeks earlier she had noticed spotting and had started vomiting again which worried her immensely so she went to the doctor and they immediately put her on bed rest.

A couple minutes later, Lindsey walked in with her teacup and a piece of toast. As he walked in though, he noticed she tensed and grabbed at the sheets. “Are you alright?” he questioned.

“Hmmmm? Yeah, yeah, i’m fine, just small contractions i’m okay,” she answered, gladly taking the cup from him and taking a sip.

“Steph! You need to go to the hospital! This totally isn’t safe!” he yelled.

“Calm down, Lindsey! It’s fine, and if you’re going to act like this right now, i need you to leave, the nervous energy is completely unsettling.” she replied cooly, letting out a gush of air, as she felt a trickle of fluid run down her leg. “shit.” she whispered.

“What!?” he questioned freaking out even more.

“Okay Linds, calm down, my water broke, I need you to take me to the hospital now.”  she said, getting up and grabbing her bag, as she slid her flats on.

An hour or so later, after an uneventful birth, Stevie held their baby girl in her arms. "She's beautiful," she remarked, "worth every second of laying in that god forsaken bed" she giggled.

He stroked the baby's soft, black hair and chuckle with her. “I think I should go get Rhia, poor girl is probably worried sick,” he said standing from the bed.

“Alright, we’ll see you really soon,” she said clutching the babies hand and making her wave at him and in her best baby voice saying “Bye, daddy!”

He chuckled a bit more and kissed them both, “Get some sleep, Okay? I think i’m going to shower and stuff alright?” And with that he left them, speeding home and running to the front door, but when he opened it he immediately thought he smelled pot. He shook his head, All those drugs are getting to your head, Buckingham. He chuckled to himself, walking up the stairs to Rhiannon’s room, knocking softly he opened the door and saw her on the balcony scribbling in her journal. Like mother, like daughter. He thought, she had opted out of a patio table and settled for pillows, like in her favorite indian restaurant. When he opened the door, he immediately saw the ashtray on the cement, filled to the brim with used joints, one of them was still burning. “Rhiannon Ruth Buckingham!” he laughed, not even trying to reprimand her.

She looked up at him startled and giggled, “Hi daddy!” she responded not even noticing anything in the moment.

“High, is right,” he chuckled. “How’s it going sport?” he questioned.

“Sooo good,” she responded, “How are you?”

“I’d say pretty good,” he chuckled, “Momma had the baby,” he told her.

“Can we go see!?” she questioned excitedly jumping up and losing her balance momentarily, causing a giggle to escape her lips.

“Well, let’s get you some eye drops first, then yes.” he chuckled and pulled her to the bathroom, after about fifteen minutes, they were opening the door to Stevie’s hospital room. “Hi honey,” he spoke softly, “How are you feeling?”

“Sleepy,” she replied, laying her head back on a pillow. “Hi baby girl, we are so sorry, we should have told you what we whe- Are you high?” she questioned squinting through her glasses.

“Hi mom,” she giggled and layed down next to her, “I’m sleepy too,”

    Stevie eyed Lindsey mouthing “What the hell,” her and her daughter were very close, Rhiannon had told her a million times previously drugs were “not worth spending their money on.” Money was never an issue, but Stevie (sort of) understood. Both parents still bought weed; however, Rhiannon didn’t know that, and in this moment Stevie was utterly perplexed. When she looked over to look at her eldest daughter she was fast asleep, cuddling with her left arm. Stevie giggled. “What are we going to do with her?” she questioned to Lindsey, who sat cross legged at the end of the bed.

    “I do not know, but I think it’s a thing she does to be creative, when I got there she was sitting on the balcony with an ashtray and her journal, the ashtray was full and she was scribbling furiously.” he chuckled thinking of the resemblance between the girl and her mother.

    “Well, well, well,” she giggled. “She is definitely our child, speaking of our child,” she questioned. “What are we going to name little miss,” she pointed to the bassinet standing by the bedside.

    “I was thinking Phoenix” he said matter of factly.

    “Phoenix is beautiful Lindsey, yes, now middle names I was thinking Jessie.” she bit her lip.

    “Perfect,” He answered. “Phoenix Jessie Buckingham, our perfect baby girl,” he picked her up and put her in Stevie’s arms, pulling the camera out of the hospital bag, “We can tease Rhia forever,” he laughed and snapped a picture, handing it to her, so she could look, after it had printed out.

    “Give me a marker,” she demanded, and when he gave it she took the cap off with her teeth, as she only had one hand to write with because Rhiannon had a death grip on the other, she wrote “She get’s high” and giggled, handing the marker and photo back to him, before falling into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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