Mr. Brightside

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Two blurbs, two prologues, two epilogues. No more, no less.

Each chapter will have a chapter title that will most likely barely be in accordance to what is in the actual chapter.

At the beginning of the chapter there will be a word and definition. Whether I put them there because of foreshadowing, it fits with the chapter, or just because I want to share it with you, will vary with each chapter.

Despite my usual comedy and lightheartedness, I am taking the challenge to make this book rather dark. But don't worry, my endings are always happy.

This is just going to have themes a bit over my and most people's heads.

Sure, this is based off of the amazing song by The Killers, but as the story progresses you will be able to see how I've used the song solely for a light format, and will not make this a song fic.

I really hope you all enjoy it! Oh, and what are you guys being for Halloween?

I'm being death. *sighs* Death will literally be knocking at your door.


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