Growing Closer

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After eating those disgusting hot dogs, then came the raft building that ended up becoming swing building as we were lacking time. We were taught how to tie long logs of wood together rope in two different ways, practiced with them and then put them together to make a swing. We tied three pieces of wood together to make a triangle and made two of these. Then we used three more to tie them together like a tepee, again two of these. We put the triangles over these and then connected the double of what we had with a last log of wood over the top of them. Luckily the last step was only to attach a tire to swing from the top log. We had a few people have a go and then... destroyed it! It was kinda boring to be honest, but I didn't care as long as it was quick so we could be more likely to get more free time.

We ate, like usual, a horrible meal for dinner and then had the afternoon activities again. This time we just sat around playing games and in our free time we played uno and of course watched a bit of anime. The activities weren't very interesting on this night but we actually got a good nights sleep for once.

Last night wasn't as bad as the night before, but the girls were still talking quite late. I did get a better nights sleep though and could get up a lot earlier so I could have a morning shower, as it was busy the night before. Me and Gabbi quickly had showers and then got ready for breakfast.

Breakfast was the same as yesterday's and we weren't pleased, but thanks to a load of ketchup we survived.

After eating we all met outside to be told about our activities for today and appropriate clothing to wear. Today we were abseiling and climbing the Jacob's ladder. I was excited for both of them but was questioning how we were going to get to the top of the Jacob's ladder. It looked pretty high, even from a distance. And so we headed of to get dressed and ready for the day.

Once ready, we once again met up with everyone outside and were instructed to put on harnesses and helmets before heading out. We headed towards the mountain to which we climbed for awhile with a few breaks for the weak. Me and Gabbi are described as "outgoing" by my mom as we raced through Alton Towers although our feet were killing us, ultimately leaving my sister's friend behind. I mean at the end of the second day we ran all the way from the back of the park to The Wicker Man! Anyway, we finally made it to the top of a flat cliff-side halfway up the mountain. This is where we were abseiling.

Everyone had a go except for Alex who couldn't actually go down. Me and Gabbi went a bit later on than the others and we did't mind when we went, but apparently we had the "best form" as we were almost parallel to the wall. The fastest down was Uzair and the girls who seemed to have the most fun were Taz and Rajnii. You could see everyone's traits from this activity.

Next was the trip down to the dreadful, disgusting lunch... Grey, greasy burgers... Ketchup had once again saved us. 

Our next activity was the Jacob's ladder to which we put our harnesses back on and our helmets and headed over to the large, wooden ladder. We got ourselves into groups of four to which me, Gabbi and Katie were stuck as a three until we invited our mentor to join us. We had four people go up at a time, with four people supporting them with rope at the bottom.

We went up last and managed to get up with teamwork rather than racing like the others did. We all made it to the top with the help of our ropes that were tied to us to pull us up. Most people did that though unless they were as flexible as Taz.

After this little activity which didn't take too long, we got a small break before heading for dinner.

Surviving the, once again, disappointing food, we met everyone outside for some activities. Today we were outside to play a ball game where we have to pass the football over our heads and through out legs to the back of the line. It didn't really work out... Most people cheated and just launched the ball to the back of the line. Anyhow, we managed to get through that then it was time for the riff-off. Singing songs related to love ect. For a change our team lost which is very odd. We were then sent to the classroom to make ourselves a chant and pick a funny joke. Our chant was of course amazing and something we were all proud of...

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