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I know, I know, rules are boring but they are a must! I will deal out warnings but if you don't listen you will no longer be allowed to participate!!

1: Please, if you curse, censor it!
Example: f*ck

2: No over powered characters! Your character can get hurt! Your character isn't perfect!

3: If you'd like smut please take it to pm, I'm all for it but I don't want my book to be taken down!

4: Put Tequila on your form as the password!

5: You can be mean to a character but not the role player! If another role player asks you to stop something, please listen to them!

6: Do not control other people's characters, you can suggest things but discuss with the player before you do anything! You don't get to decide how their character acts or what they're like. And if you are fighting please talk to the person before dealing serious injury.

7: If you need something or are having trouble pm me or leave a comment!
Example: you have a complaint about another role player, want a character created for you to roleplay with, don't know how to fill out form, you need a certain place to roleplay

8: Have fun!

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