quotes by atticus

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"her eyes gave her away there was a drowning girl behind that smile"

"she was drowning
with rocks around her feet
and the world stood by
in life boats
asking why she couldn't walk"

"her laugh
was love
at first sight
to the blind man
in dark cave"

"she found
the colors to paint him
where the world
had left him gray"

"that was her magic,
she could still see the sunset,
even on those darkest days"

"the hardest step
she ever took
was to blindly trust
in who she was"

"does the sun promise to shine?
no, but it will,
even behind the darkest clouds it will.
and no promise will make it shine longer or brighter,
for that is its fate,
to burn until it can burn no more.
so, to love you is not my promise,
it is my fate,
to burn until I can burn no more."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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