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In all honesty, I had no idea what I wanted from Boris. The capo was the one who had assigned me the mission. And it wasn't as if he'd wanted Boris in particular. Boris didn't seem dangerous, and he mentioned himself that he was 'trying to get away from that lifestyle.' He seemed unfazed by my weapon, only annoyed, and I doubt that TSA would've let him through with his own. I didn't completely let my guard down though. The stoic exterior could be a cover, for all I knew, Boris probably knew 5 different ways to kill a man with his hands. I'd given the taxi driver the address to the office, the only place other than my apartment I could think to go. Curse the capo for giving me vague information.

High rise buildings and different buildings blurred by as we drove, the effects of fall apparent. Hordes of red and yellow leaves fell off of city planted trees along the sidewalk. Boris stared out the window. He'd taken his ushanka off, revealing brown hair speckled with grey, cut close to his scalp. I'd been attempting to reach the capo. But to no avail, each time I called, it went straight to voicemail. Eventually, I gave up and turned toward the window. I recognized some of the buildings, meaning we were getting close. One thing was off though. As we approached the building, the taxi driver slowed and rolled his window down. I saw the flash of blue and red lights. A police car was parked outside my place of work. This wasn't good. I could make out one of my co-workers greeting the policeman at the door. No way was I going to risk getting taken in for questioning; not even if I was disobeying orders. The taxi driver turned to face me.

"You sure this is this right place?" I paled but tried to keep my composure.

"Guess I got the address wrong. Don't know my streets well. Haha," I laughed to play it off. "Take us.. Here." I gave him my home address. "I'll tip well." The driver huffed like he already expected me to tip well. A hundred questions ran through my head. What had happened? Usually, the mafia was more careful than this... Where was the capo? Everyone else in the building? More importantly, what was I gonna do with this random Russian guy? I glanced back at Boris again. He was looking back at me now and he seemed amused, even if he wasn't smiling about it.

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