chapter 1

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Chapter one:

"Garfield," John said with his soft seductive voice. It was the evening and John had just come home from his job as a salesman of adult toys. "I brought home some special toys for you" John spoke with a voice that could melt even icebergs with a mere word. But Garfield was nowhere to be found, this was unusual as usually Garfield came right to the door when John called. "Garfield I bet you're hungry aren't you? Come on out and get some scrumptious grease" suddenly John heard a loud creek from the stairs which were shrouded in shadow. "Garfy baby" John said "come closer." Suddenly from the stairs a bloody mass that was once Nermal sprawled out from the shadows. It was mutilated horribly and had wheel marks on it's head and cuts and gashes everywhere except for his face which remained as pristine as it had always been. The mass cried out in a harsh shrieking gargle. This sound was in fact Nermals bloodied form evacuating it's bowels and taking it's final breath. John's mouth was agape much like Garfield's asshole. John cried out in fear and lust when suddenly he heard another sound from up the stairs...

Garfy Baby: A Garfield FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now