Contest 4

153 6 21

For this contest, you will need to draw your secret identity! If you were a super hero/villain, what would your secret identity be? If you had any kind of magical power, who would you be while walking among people who don't have magical abilities? How would you hide your abilities? Are you an amazing (but kind and nice :) ) gamer/writer/etc that hides behind a screen name? (Your identity can just be your name or a made up name :) The interpretation is up to you :)

For this contest, there will be something different.

I will be looking at your artwork, however, that will only count for 75% of your score. 25% will be from a public vote!

I will be posting your art work in a separate chapter for people to vote! Encourage your followers to not only vote on your art work, but also on other people's artwork as well! 

The deadline will be October 16, 2019! As long as it's not October 17, 2019, your are good :)

The voting can occur from when you submit the artwork until October 23, 2019.

To enter, comment the phrase 

"I'm the hero/villain!"

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