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It's like a fever dream
A dream from which you can't wake up cause no one even cares enough to ask you if you feel ok
When you are dying every day
And the knife cuts skin so perfectly
Lies grow moonlight eyes
Under perfection realized
And they ask why do you want to die
the question rolls off like acid
The same acid that plagues your mind
So shut up stand up and pledge your allegiance
To a flag that forgets all who are not pale and live in rich regions
We sit in long rows from A to Z
Where they use the wrong name when you beg them to see
Chuckles and whispers as you walk down the hall they point and they laugh but that's never all
The curtains never close as you sit on display for those with no creativity to cackle at the monster in captivity
It's all a dream
But you don't wake up this time

sabaism (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now