Journey to the Duelist Kingdom

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Where am I?

Am I dead?

I can't be dead! What about Yugi, grandpa, grandma, Joey, Tristan, Téa, hell even Kaiba?

"I want to go back!" I said as I saw nothing but darkness when suddenly I began hearing a voice that sounded like Yugi.

"Claire? Please wake up. Come on, you gotta speak to me please" said Yugi as I slowly opened my eyes to see Yugi, Joey, Tristan and Téa staring at me.

"Hi guys" I said smiling softly.

"She's back" said Téa smiling.

"We thought we lost you" said Yugi as I saw they all had tears in their eyes.

"Remember I'm always with you no matter what" I said smiling as they helped me sit up.

"So it's true...your grandpa and my grandma really are gone" I said as I looked at Yugi to see he nodded as he looked down.

"I need some air" I said as I slowly stood up, and walked out of the house to see the sun was about to set.

I walked over to the school and stared at the sunset from the roof.

"So everything really did happen. Yami dueled Pegasus and lost. Pegasus used his millennium eye to take Yugi's grandpa's and my grandma's souls and left Yugi and I alone. What could Pegasus want with Yugi and me? Could it have something to do with his millennium puzzle and my millennium necklace? Well, Yugi and I will get his grandpa and my grandma back. We'll beat Pegasus at his own game. Whatever that is" I said as I looked down and let tears go then I walked back home as it got dark.

As I walked up to the door, I saw an envelope stuck between the door and frame. I grabbed it as Yugi opened the door.

"There you are. I was worried about you. What's that?" asked Yugi as he noticed the envelope in my hand.

"I don't know, it was stuck against the door. Huh? It's from Pegasus" I said as I opened it to see duel monster cards.

"Their invitations to the tournament at duelist kingdom" said Yugi as he took one out and flipped it over.

Next day

A tournament at Duelist Kingdom? Isn't that an island?" asked Téa in class.

"So, that's where Pegasus is keeping your grandpa and grandma?" asked Joey.

"Maybe. The only way to know for sure is to become contestants. The boat's going to be leaving in two days" I said as I was looking at the boat card.

"But you two can't go. It could be dangerous" said Téa.

"We have to go. It's the only clue we have for rescuing his grandpa and my grandma" I said as I placed the card down and looked at Tristan.

"I still can't believe it. Pegasus used some kind of weird spell to grab your his grandpa and your grandma's souls away. And now he's toying with you, forcing you to duel in the tournament" said Tristan as we looked at the cards on the desk.

"Right. And without invitations, we can't even go there with you. I wish we could help you two" said Joey.

"Thanks, Joey but like Téa said, if it is dangerous then I don't want any of you getting hurt or captured by Pegasus. I lost enough family already" I said as I looked down.

"This is bad" said Téa as I nodded.

"Huh? Hey, you guys. Check this out. According to this card, the tournament winner takes the grand prize of three million dollars" said Tristan in surprise.

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