Issue #3

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I've been hiding my powers successfully now for a total sum of six to eight months now. Doing my best to avoid getting into fights along with getting into minor accidents in hopes of being able to carry my secret for as long as possible.

During this time I had begun doing research on my physical body in the middle of the woods during my Free time, making a treehouse as a temporary lab as I pushed my body to the limits to test the full extent of my power. I did a series of test from falling off high places and slamming head first into the ground below, to burning myself, to even slamming my fist repeatedly against a rock hard boulder with the force of my entire body weight only to come out entirely unscathed each time.

After conducting my research for the for first three to four months I was able to come to the conclusion that the intense level of durability my body now possessed which allowed me to survive and shrug off damage that would otherwise kill a normal human, was indeed permanent.

For the next four months I spent my time looking into the how and the why.

I searched everywhere from reading books to reading Internet articles online, looking into quote on quote "real life" supernatural events to see if any of them correlated to the reason I acquired my powers in the first place. I looked into medical records, "non fictional" accounts of the supernatural, and much much more all in hopes of discovering why I had these powers at all.

However, just like my previous attempts to destroy myself...I came up short once more.

At this moment I knew I had to make a decision to either accept what I had and reveal it too the rest of my family and the world (while hoping for the best), or to keep it a secret from everyone to protect the ones that matter the most to me.

As I sat down in a rolling chair in my tree house, gazing upon the rows of bookcases lined up against the wall along with the make shift counter top I made which carried my laptop upon it I reflected back on the words my grandfather. The very words which tugged on the strings of my heart, telling me to do the right thing no matter what even if that means you'll have to go through hell to do so. Thinking about how the discovery of my powers would affect those nearest to me before myself, I made the decision to keep my powers hidden and to use them only in the most dire of situations.

However, I never realized that I'd have to use these abilities so soon...


"Well well well, speak of the devil." A young boy snickered as he had now put one of his arms around me from behind "Look who decided to get out the house for once!" The boy laughed loudly, teasing me for being a bit of a shut-in as he then turned his face towards mine.

"Hey man I don't stay in the house that much." I remarked "You're gonna give people the wrong impression of me, dumbass." I added in slight annoyance.

The boy simply laughed even louder at my reply, letting go of my shoulder as he then nudged me lightly with his elbow in an attempt to lighten up my mood "I'm just messin' with ya!" He exclaimed, shooting me a stupid looking grin as he then turned his entire body towards so he could focus his full and undivided attention onto me "Glad you could make it man! Trust me you're gonna have a great time!"

The boy who stood in front of me was none other then my childhood best friend Daniel McCoy.

Daniel is a 5'11 ft tall Caucasian Male with bright brown hair and dark blue eyes. He has a Lean and athletic built due to being the MVP of his university's track and field team and he usually carries himself in an confident and upright manner.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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