Chapter 11

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The group sat at their regular campus table. Things were going on regularly and smoothly but eventually they couldn't help but notice the absence of three specific people.

"Where's Perth?" Earth asked.

"Yeah!" Mean exclaimed. "Without him here I'm SO behind on all the school gossip. I need to know if Hope and Yoonie get together! They're always together in and out of school but I NEED Perth's confirmation."

Mark flicked his head.

"Stop fussing about your ships." He complained.

"Hey! But I'm really concerned. We haven't heard from him or Saint in days." Mean said rubbing the part where Mark his trying to soothe it.

As they tried to come up with an answer Plan stayed silent not wanting to expose himself or Perth right now.

"Yeah it's strange." Earth said. "Let me try to call them." He brought out his phone and dialed the number.

While they waited for the phone Title decided to bring up another missing member.

"Where's Gun?" He asked.

"Ohh he's sick. I'm taking care of him and he says he'll be fine but I worry you know?" Mark said.

"You worry because you're whipped." Mean teased.

Mark got shy and buried his face deeper in his elbow. He hid himself on the soft fabric of his black hoodie.

"I bet you love taking care of him hmm?" Mean continued. "Living your little married life dream?"

"Wait-" Plan said in confusion. "Mark likes Gun?"

Suddenly Mean laughed so loudly and heartily at this statement. His laughing fit went on for so long that he was already starting to cry and his stomach was starting to hurt.

Everyone else just stared at him with unanswered questions.

Mean finally calmed down and caught his breath enough to realize everyone's confusion.

"You're all being serious?" Mean said in shock. "You didn't know this?"

Earth and Title shook their heads slowly in synch.

"How could you not know? Mark is soooo obviously head over heels for our redheaded friend." Mean explained.

"Really?" Title said still shocked.

"Well how was I supposed to know e-boy had feelings for Gun?" Earth said making Mark groan in embarrassment.

"How'd you know Mean?" Title asked.

"Yeah I never told you." Mark said.

Mean smiled proudly at himself. "Well my friends I knew about this crush even before Mark did. Looks like all my 'fussing about my ships paid off didn't it?"

"I hate you guys." He said still covering his face so the sound was muffled.

"We love you." Mean said teasing him genuinely. He tried to ruffle his hair but Mark quickly put his hand in the position to flick Mean again so he slowly backed away in fear.

"Do we have an answer?" Mark asked pertaining to Saint and Perth.

Earth tsked and brought down his phone from his ear. "Nothing." He said sadly.

"Relax guys maybe they're just ditching." Plan tried to avert their suspicion and concern. "You know, with them dating and all you could see that they'd have things they'd rather do then go to school."

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