Melt My Ice

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AN: This is a story commissioned by minty ( on Amino. The OC Lindsay Aderson belongs to her.

Trigger Warning: This story contains graphic depictions of suicide! Please proceed with caution!


With quick steps, Lindsay ran up the stairs, her breathing uneven as she hurried towards the door to the office of the Armed Detective Agency. She was late and afraid that a certain blonde detective would lecture her again. The redhead could already picture him inside her mind, pointing his finger towards her while staring at her with his typical serious expression:

'If everyone had a schedule like me, then things wouldn't go wrong all the time! The perfect schedule is the secret to a perfect life!'

The young woman couldn't help but grin at the thought. Oh no, a schedule was not at all what she needed to live a perfect life. Swiftly, she opened the door, entering into a scene of hustle and bustle as detectives and clerks were striding from one place to another, stacks of paper in their arms as well as sweat on their foreheads. Thankfully, Kunikida was nowhere to be seen in the vicinity, so Lindsay had no problem scurrying over to her workplace, sighing in relief when she sat herself down on the chair.

She was about to tend to her own pile of papers that was lying on her desk when suddenly one pair of bandaged arms flung themselves around her, causing her to reflexively lean back with her head into the chest that she knew was behind her. Chocolate brown eyes were staring down at her, a teasing smile on the brunette man's lips.

"If it isn't my belladonna that's late for work~" His playful voice reached her ears, a light blush forming on her cheeks as the way he pointed this out was a bit embarrassing.

"Says the right person. Since when are you on time, anyway?"

At that, the male simply let out a low chuckle, his shoulders visibly shaking before Lindsay freed herself from his grip, turning around to face him. A grin was spreading across his face.

"People change?"

"Do they?" She asked sarcastically, not buying it at all while a small smile crept up her face.

Only he was able to cause such reactions from her.

"Indeed," he said, suddenly bringing up his hand towards her before softly caressing her cheek. "You changed me."

For a moment, Lindsay forgot to breathe. With just a few words, he was able to make her stop functioning. No matter how cold she may seem to other people, when he was around, she was melting. She was melting into his touch, she was melting into his words. He had absolute power over her emotions.

Lindsay knew Dazai better than most people did. She knew exactly what lied under his pretty façade. How broken he was underneath the perfect mask of smiles. And she loved him nonetheless.

Just as Dazai, Lindsay's former occupation was being a member of the Port Mafia. She had seen him killing with no emotion to his eyes. She had seen him fail at attempting suicide, covering up his intention with innocent smiles afterwards. She could understand him.

After his best friend Odasaku had died, Dazai suddenly left the Mafia, and with that he also left a hole in her heart. She had grown fond of him, so seeing him leave had a great impact on her. Lindsay had decided to follow him, and after staying out of touch for nearly two whole years, they had met again - at the Armed Detective Agency.

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