Love At First Sight

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A.N: Hi, this is my first ____ x Reader. So sorry if it's not 100% great. Please comment and vote, thank you :D //


You were sat in the park, playing with the tassles on the end of your [Fav Colour] scarf. It was a fairly breezy day, the wind whipping your [h/c] hair.

A smile spread across your face. Just your favourite kind of weather. You watched the happy couples as they held hands, hugged...or even kissed. It brought you back to your broken heart, the broken heart that was scarred from so many people, so many fake relationships.

You decided to distract yourself by going for a calming walk. Your feet took you around the pond, up a hill, through the trees...

* * *

You stopped. Yelling. You could hear yelling. Resting an ear against the wall, you listened carefully.

"You're useless! Pathetic!" a voice yelled. Then some laughing ensued before more yelling.

"I don't know who the Hell you think you are, but you're a weak, pathetic disgrace to this world!"

"'s t-true. V-Violence doesn't g-get anyone an-ywhere...." another, much more upset voice stammered out.

"You're a failure!" the angry and laughing voices faded with their footsteps. As you listened closer you heard crying. You decided you would go and see who was crying.

You turned the corner to see a, well what appeared to be a blonde bartender...only...he was crying.

"Are you okay?" your soft voice asked. The blonde looked at you, his face tearstreaked.

"N-no..." he said. You knelt by him.

"Would you mind telling me what happened?"

"Th-they...they called me b-bad w-words...a-and said I-I was a l-liar...." He rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands. "A-and they took m-my s-scarf...."

You frowned.

"This world can be cruel. And not everyone is who they look like. And, I can try and get your scarf back." You smiled to try and at least cheer him up. "What's your name?"

"Ts-Tsukishima...or j-just Tsuki f-for short...." Tsuki told you. He looked at your [e/c] eyes.

"Well then, Tsuki, I, [Y/N], will try and return your scarf to you. If I fail, I will replace it." you proclaimed. Tsuki nodded. You stood up and wandered across to the group of boys.

"Hey you-"

One of the boys turned and glared at you.

"What the Hell do you want?!" he growled. You raised your hands in a peaceful notion.

"I'm only here to ask for that young man's scarf back."

"Huh? It's mine now. So no."

"I don't think it is. Just give me it and I'll forgive you---" The second boy turned and hit you in the face. He smirked as your lip bust and a bruise formed.

You snapped. Before they could process what had happened, Boy 2 and Boy 3 were sprawled flat on their backs. Boy 1's eyes widened considerably.

"W-what the Hell?!!" he exclaimed.

"Give me the scarf. Now!" You didn't need to say anything because the boy thrust the scarf into your hands and ran off. You went back all cute and innocent.

"Thank you..." You turned and walked back to Tsuki. He smiled when he saw his scarf in your hands. "Tsuki, as promised, here's your scarf."

The blonde took it from you and wrapped it around his neck again.

"Thank you [Y/N]."

You smiled.

"I guess I'll see you around, Tsuki?" you said. Tsuki nodded and stood up.

"B-but first..." His hand cupped your chin and before you knew, he placed a gentle kiss upon your lips.

A deep crimson blush spread across your face. He stopped. Then realised.

"Ahh! I-I'm so sorry [Y-Y/N]! I didn't m-mean to!" Tsuki tried to make up for it. You giggled softly at his embarrassment.

"It's okay Tsuki." He looked at you.

"A-are you sure?"

"Of course! It's fine." You smiled. Tsuki looked down. "Well, I should be going now. Bye Tsuki~!"

With that you walked off, a permanent smile on your face.

Tsuki looked after you.

"Bye [Y/N]...." His voice trailed off. A sudden emptiness filled him.

You stopped after feeling a hand on your shoulder.

"Huh? Tsuki?" You looked at the blonde.

"U-um...I was w-wondering i-if you'd g-go for a w-walk w-with me...." He tried to hide his blush with his scarf.

"Of course I will."

"Great! I-I mean...o-okay...." Tsuki smiled shyly. But you knew, he was secretly really happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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