Chapter 3

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"Come on! Fight me!" Sparrowkit squealed. Shadekit flinched away from her swats. She lashed out at Sparrowkit and smacked her face. "Ow! No fair!" Sparrowkit whined.

"Yes, Fair!" Shadekit laughed.

Soon enough the two kits where locked together in a tussle. Shadekit accidentally clawed Sparrowkits ear. "Ouch!" She wailed pulling away.

Shadekit stared her ear, She scrambled to her paws "I'm sorry I didn't mea-" Sparrowkit was already off and running. She stared after Sparrowkit. "B-But I didn't mean too." She Mewled so innocently.

She heard Shimmerkit, Rosekit and Winterkit laughing. "Nice move!" Rosekit spat as she launched herself into Shadekit. Shadekit gasped and prepared herself for the blow. She gasped for breath as Rosekit's body slammed into hers. "Mama! Help!" She wailed. Suddenly a loud yowl rang across the clearing. "All cats join beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!"

A clan meeting! She yowled happily as she jumped away from Rosekit.

"Wait, Shadekit!" She heard Nettleclaw snap. She lowered her ears and felt her sisters gaze burning into her pelt. "Y-Yes?" She mewled.

Nettleclaw pushed Sparrowkit foward. Her ear was bundled in Cobwebs. "Did you scratch her?"

Shadekit nodded and stared at her paws.

Nettleclaw blinked "I know it was an accident. Let's go to the meeting."

The three cats walked twoards the Highrock pushing their way past cats.

"Rosekit, Shimmerkit and Winterkit please step foward." Sandstar mewed.

The three kits stepped foward. Their eyes where shining.

An apprentice ceremony!

"Rosekit, Shimmerkit, and Winterkit you have reached the age of six moons and are old enough to become an Apprentice. Do you promise to listen to your mentor and uphold the warrior code?"

"I do!" The three squealed in harmony.

"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, You will be known as Winterpaw, Rosepaw and Shimmerpaw."

Sandstar flicked her gaze to Winterpaw. "Winterpaw your mentor will be Icebreeze. Shimmerpaw your mentor will be Bluepool. Finally, Rosepaw your mentor will be Hawktalon. I hope your mentors pass down all they know to you."

The whole clan cheered the new apprentices names. "Rosepaw! Shimmerpaw! Winterpaw!"

Shadekit glanced around camp and flinched as she saw Mintfern staring at her. She heard him murmuring Somthing that stung her pelt.

"Evil. You will not win. The clan is not fooled."

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