Wait, where are we?

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You woke up with a jolt. Well, as much as of a jolt a orb can. Wait, you were an orb? That doesn't feel right. You could have sworn, that, you were something else once. Something wonderful...

Oh well, that can be dealt with later. It was time to look around. Mmhhmm. Yep. Lots of nothing. There was some dirt, quite a bit of smooth rock. All in all, quite boring. You try looking outside to find you are on

[] Venus, a yellowish planet, full of plants and war like machines and scrambling life forms. You can feel a terrible intelligence passing its gaze over you, clearly interested in something else.

[] Earth, full of life and old broken things. You feel the Dark struggling with a giant orb of Light hanging above some sort of city, full of much smaller Lights.

[] Moon, a broken dusty place that has the Darkness broiling underneath It's skin. You can feel a great hunger surrounding something deep in the center of the Moon, but you don't look too carefully. Who knows if it might see you too.

[] Mars, a place of red dust and war. War machines clash with what look to be Roman space turtles. Heavy weaponry shakes the ground. They all seem so tired...

[] The asteroid belt, this is a place of forgotten things and a balance between Light and Dark. There seems to be life who have both, but something seems, wrong.

Oh wait, there was a shiny thing. It looked like a star kind of. Wait, what's a star? Oh well, for later as well! You concentrated really hard on the star and it seemed to explode into a rectangle in front of you. 

" Hello!" Oh, hello! " I am your menu, and I am here to help you with surviving your new world you've found yourself in. Now, due to an error from your arrival, you cannot access light based minions or accept light based Contracts." It seemed to shrink for a moment, almost as in apology. " To make up for this, the system has allowed you access to Darkness based minions and those without."

It expanded again. " Now, to get started. What you deal with is buying Rooms, Traps, Upgrades, and Minions."

" Rooms are well, rooms!" It gave a little spin when it said that. Wait, was it speaking or were you imagining the voice? "You can put stuff like Minions and Traps in them. There are some special rooms, like a boss room, and you can also add affects like a Darkness Zone, but we will talk about those later."

" Traps are obstacles you can put in rooms, like on the floor, or wall, or even the ceiling, and they will hinder and invaders progress into your dungeon! They go off when a person comes through and will set themselves back when they leave. " It showed a massive spike that was- oh my heavens was that on fire!

The cheery voice of death kept going. " Upgrades! Every one loves upgrades! Well, unless it's you, then your enemies will hate yours. Use these to make things better, like better traps." The spike now was a chain saw. Oh, and still on fire. Lovely. " You can also buy these to make your minions better and add special surprises~" it almost sounded sultry. Does that mean it's happy? Wait, what do either of those mean?

" Now I bet your thinking, ' But Menu, what are these minion things you keep bringing up?' Well I'm glad you asked Core of mine! Minions are creatures you buy to help defend yourself. Minions are permanent and will respawn after death, but for some there's a limit on how many you can have per floor. It all depends on how strong they are!"

It changed into a hand and pointed at you. " Now, there are a couple more housekeeping rules before I let you off the leash. This, this is you. You'll probably wanna keep that safe, cause if this little orb goes, so do you." 

It twirled, turning back into a rectangle. " Now, anyone who comes in has to have a route to your core. You can traps and all sorts of stuff, but they got to be able to get to it without any special effort in making a entry way. 

Mana is what you get from time. And, well, I'll leave the other one a surprise for now. Hehehe~" 

She turned back into a rectangle. " SO, here are your starting options!"

[]Cabal: The might of the empire is behind you! Crush any who dare invade your realm with Iron and heavy weaponry. Start with 5 legionaries and have your first room be decorated in proper Cabal fashion. [ No negative affects, all cosmetic] When defeated they drop 50 Glimmer. 20% for green engram. Can buy more legionaries for 5 Mana each.

[]Vex: The Machines of war have decided keeping you alive is in their best interest. Keep your enemies at bay with the time machinations of the Vex. Start with 5 Harpies and have your starting room decorated in Vex machinery and crystals. [ All cosmetic] drop 50 Glimmer. 20% for green engram. Can buy more harpies for 5 Mana each.

[]Fallen: Pirates and scavengers, maybe you can help them remember their forgotten glory. Start with 5 Dregs and have your starting room decorated in the ways of the Fallen. [ All cosmetic] Drops 50 Glimmer. 20% for green engram. Can buy more Dregs for 5 Mana each.

[]Hive: The Sword Logic has found a home here. Face your invaders with terrifying magic and old abominations from beyond the stars. Start with five thrall and have your starting room be decorated with Hive crystals and the darkness. [ all cosmetic ] drops 50 Glimmer. 20% for green engram. Can buy more Thralls for 5 Mana each.

" You choose one for now, but later one, when you got another level you can choose another one if you want, or keep going with what you got. All up to you really. So, you ready to go Core?"

She pauses. " Actually, you know what, nope. You need a name. What you wanna be called?"

[] Name: Write it in

Hello! This is my first quest, so give me feedback and ask as may questions as you need. I'm always wanting to get better, and criticism is a good way for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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