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y'all the next chapter is spicy as fuck ok ok bye

this is like 200 words short i apologize

millie woke up and looked around for the missing sadie. only to realize she wasn't missing, but the girl was asleep in finn's bed above her. they weren't spooning, but sadies had was on finns chest. his arms were placed around her waist. purely.

she assumed they had a 'thing' going on, but she didn't care to ask, nor interfere with the sight. instead she gets up to use the bathroom and make herself cereal in the kitchen.

finns patents weren't home, so millie sat on top of the table munching on her off-brand lucky charms ( marshmallow mateys ). mille used to come to finn's house often, so she was pretty comfortable in his house.

not too long after finn came down the stairs, looking for millie. millie could hear his every step with his creeky and staircase.

"what are you doing on the table?" he asked, standing in the door way.

"what aren't you on the table?" she took a bite of her cereal and crossing a leg over the other. she thought she was funny, perhaps. and maybe she was.

"because there are such things as chairs, mills." he rolled his eyes and opened the refrigerator to get a glass of orange juice.

"okay and?" she asked, putting down her cereal and hopping off the table, making her look a lot shorter than 3 seconds ago, to finn.

most people at school would want finn and millie to date. they "shipped" them apperantely. but they had more of a brother and sister bond, and they always have.

"so whats with you and the redhead?" she said with a smirk, almost just to get a rise out of him. as i said before, sibling things.

"i don't know what you're talking about." he said, taking a sip from a clear glass.

"bullshit. she was in your bed when I woke up, dumbass." she said, taking the glass of orange juice right out of his hand and taking a sip.


"hi." a small voice came from the door way. sadie stood there. she looked lile a zombie in the morning, she had eyebags down to her cheeks. finn didnt think she looked like that though. he always thought she looked pretty.

"how'd you sleep?" he asked, causing millie to roll her eyes at him and smile. he was so oblivious to his own feelings, it was cute. she shipped them.

"fine, my head hurts though." she said sitting down in a chair by millie.

"do you want some advil?" he asked and she only nodded, then disappeared to go find some. millie pulled out a chair and pulled it next to sadie.

"so, you and finnlard?" she gave her a look.

"what?" sadie innocently asked. millie sighed in announce. maybe she assumed wrong.

finn came back and handed her two pills, then millie passed her the orange juice she stole from finn. sadie washed both down with one sip.

"I'm gonna walk home, ill come back later. I need to shower." sadie said, standing up from her chair. finn let her leave.

she took her shoes in head, and left. the feeling of rocks with bare feet was unpleasant, but she didnt really mind.

only when she made it to her house she heard her father scream.

anxiety ran up her back like a spider.

"dad?" she called out for him. he was no where to be seen. she ran through the house, confused.

constant knocking against the basement door was present. sadie opened it to see her father on the floor, borederline crying. "what happened? are you okay?" sadie asked, helping david to his feet. the lights flickered then went off.

he hugged her in the dark.

"there is something incredibly wrong with this house!" he yelled, she was scared now.

hours passed and the lights finally turned back on, her father decided to cancel his appointments for the day because of the traumatic thing that's happening in his own household.

"all of our money is tied up into this house." claire spoke into the phone.

"we need to stay somewhere else, we can't stay here." david argued.

"i need to go back to work david! will talk about this later!" sadies mom said before hanging up the call.

sadie walked to her room.

"ollie! kitty, kitty. where are you?" she called out. she opened the room to her door with a gasp.

"dad!" she yelled.

he came rushing in seconds after, "what is i-" he began to speak but stopped when he saw it too. sadie turned her body to her father and cried into his shirt.

ollie looked like he had been hit by a car, mutilized. though he hadnt been, he hadnt left the room. someone was in here. maybe not someone, but something. something inhuman. something strange.

but what they didn't know was that something, had been hidden under her bed, staring directly at them.

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