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Cedarstar stalked across the Windclan border carefully, a patrol of three cats trudging quietly behind him. "Are we almost there, Cedarstar?" A dark ginger shecat meowed. "Almost, Mousefire. Just a couple more pawsteps and were at the camp." The leader whispered back, and the shecat nodded. "Why are we even doing this?" A black tom meowed, who went by the name of Duckhawk. "Because Windclan has stolen so much from Riverclan! We need to get back at them." The leader hissed, before putting his head up. "We've arrived."

The golden tom flicked his tail, letting Mousefire and Duckhawk pad ahead of him. Once they signaled the coast was clear, the leader stalked into the Windclan camp, seeing many cats lounging about. Cursing under his breath, he turned back to his warriors. "Go get five more cats, and quick." He hissed, before turning his attention back to the enemy clan's camp. Mousefire and Duckhawk ran off, to get more cats for the raid. Soon, they returned. "Were here, Cedarstar." A voice meowed behind him. "Good." The tom meowed, looking behind him to see which cats had come. A grey tom named Grayslate, a white shecat named Shellsong, A black and white tom named Rowanclaw, a dark brown tom named Barkheart, and a ginger and white tom named Gorseleaf. "I want Rowanclaw and Barkheart to flank the right side, while Duckhawk and Berryeye flank the left. Shellsong, Mousefire, and I will sneak out three kits while you distract. Be careful. I don't want to lose any cats during this raid." Cedarstar commanded, before flicking his tail, watching as the cats went to their designated places. He waited for a couple of seconds, before letting out a yowl, and watching as his cats began attacking the unsuspecting windclan cats.

While the other clan was busy fighting, he and the two other cats snuck into the nursery. He saw as the queens tried to hide their kits, but he just chuckled. "Shellsong, Mousefire, go get one kit each." He ordered, before padding up to a terrified Windclan queen. "Now, I don't want to hurt you. Just give me a kit." He hissed, "Or I'll take one by force." The terrified queen unwrapped her tail, showing two suckling kits. Smiling, he picked up a dark ginger kit, who began mewling. "Thank you." He meowed, seeing the other warriors already had kits, who were yowling equally as loud. The leader and warriors ran out of the nursery. He handed Mousefire the kit he was carrying. "RIVERCLAN! RETREAT!" The leader yowled, before running out of camp, his warriors following behind him. He heard the leader of Windclan yowling something, but he couldn't hear the cat. Soon, the warriors were at the camp, with three yowling kits. "Go bring the ginger kit to Poppystripe, and bring the other two to Ivycloud." He commanded, before padding over to his warriors who aided in the battle. "Is any cat hurt?" He asked, and all the cats shook their head. "Good. Now Windclan will learn never to mess with us." The leader meowed.  

The two shecats dropped off the kits, and the two queens seemed a little bit concerned. "What is this?" Poppystripe hissed, looking at the dark ginger kitten laying next to her own. "Your new kit. Treat him like your own, or be punished." Mousefire responded, before padding out of the den. Ivycloud looked down at the two kittens, who were the same age as her own. "I don't think the kits have been named yet." Ivycloud meowed, looking at the five kits who were suckling off of her. "I guess this makes up for the loss of Shrewkit." The queen meowed. "I shall name this ginger one Adderkit."

"That's a beautiful name. I think I shall name this golden shecat Morningkit, and this brown tom Bravekit." Ivycloud meowed, purring.  The two queens soon began licking the Windclan scented kits, accepting them as their own. Soon, there was no trace of Windclan left, and the kittens had begun their new lives in Riverclan. 

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