The Ghost

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Once we were out of the police station we noticed Sammy there. "this kid." I think to myself.

   "Fake police call? nice one Sammy" Dean says from the side of me.

   "I know, we got a badass on our hands" I say. I look over at Dean and he has a little smirk on his face and Sammy was just chuckling at my side comment.

    "Says the chick that just got out of jail."

    "Yea but the thing is Sammy boy... I'm not a little badass I'm a huge badass."

     "okay okay guys we have a monster to get handled." Dean says.

     "actually its a ghost we have to handle." I say. That just got him even more angry at me.

     We all walk to the Impala. That car is soo beautiful just like dean I thought to myself. I can't believe I just thought that. wow. Okay I'm just going to push that thought away bc. no.

     "Do we know exactly what were hunting guys?" I ask

      "a vengeful spirit. I did some research and-"

I cut Sammy off "okay mr.smarty-pants I know how to kill a vengeful spirit."

  "okay." Sammy says.

   "Holy shit." I heard Dean whisper. I looked up to see the ghost of a lady in about her mid 30's. I was guessing we were close to her resting spot. He stopped the car with the head lights straight on her. She disapeared and within seconds she was next to me in the back seat. I'm not going to lie I jumped. "Take me home." I hear the ghost whisper. The Impala starts back up on its own and started going towards an empty street. About thirty seconds later I can see a house. We stopped right infront of it.

       I looked to my right and noticed the chick wasn't there anymore. BANG I looked up and Dean was already looking at the front of the car. "My baby" he kept repeating over and over. The damn ghost bent baby. I looked over at Sam and he looked like a kid that just walked in a candy store with a million bucks. He hopped in the driver's seat. The ghost got in the passesnger seat and yet again said "take me home"

       "Oh I'll take you home alright, Clarie buckle up."

         Next thing I knew the impala was inside the abandoned old house. "SAM WHAT THE HELL" Dean and I said. Besides the fact I was in the car and he was running inside the hole the impala had made. I jumped out of the car to see the damage Sam had just made.It wasn't too bad.

          I looked up from the car and both Dean and Sam were stuck behind a book shelf. I tried pulling it but all that did was piss off the ghost some more. That got me thrown into a wall. It hurt like a bitch. It took me shorter than I expected to get back on my feet. As I was getting up Dean and Sam were out from behind the book shelf. I looked around for the ghost. It was at the end of the stair case looking up at two children. It was her children?

        Then it hit me. She was taking out pain on guys because her husband cheated on her. That's why she brings them here. She killed the kids,her husband, and herself.

      The kids kept saying 'you did this to us.' and 'its time for our revenge'. She kept pleading for their forgiveness,but they didn't care. Just like she didn't care when she killed them.

         The kids finally reached her and they all turned into a puddle of water. Dean rushed over to me. "Hey are you alright?" you could hear the worry in his voice. "Yea I'm fine. what about you and Sammy? are you guys alright?" I asked. He responded with 'yea'.

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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