Hidden By Lock and Key

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      When I heard the sound of weeping next to me I almost thought I was imagining things. We were at Pinkie's latest sleepover at the moment all huddled together in her living room. However, when I heard the crying continue I couldn't go on ignoring it even if I could barely keep my eyes open in my half awake state.

Shifting out of my purple sleeping bag, I shivered because of the cold air that greeted me. Apparently Maud didn't believe in central heat and air. Blinking rapidly I waited as my eyes adjusted in the dark. Finally when they focused I found my eyes widening when I realized that it was Twilight who was crying.

"Twi?" I whispered out walking towards where she was in the corner of the room. I had to sidestep past a sleeping Rarity who was snoring loudly up at the ceiling and I dodged a kick from Rainbow Dash along the way since she liked to do sleep karate at night.

Tonight it seemed that only Twilight and I were awake as I held in a breath when I saw Fluttershy squirming nearby only for her to go back to her quiet snoozing.

"Twilight?" I repeated when I got close enough to touch her only to feel her hand grab my wrist. Startled I was greeted with her teary eyes which were unfocused since she did not have her glasses on. She let go after looking at me for a long moment and that was when I offered my hand trying to help her out of her sleeping bag, but she rejected it. I frowned as she struggled out of the blue bag before she reached for her glasses.

Standing up she said nothing and she wiped at her tears as she followed me out of the living room and towards the kitchen. Deciding that getting her something warm would help I offered her a mug of some hot chocolate. She took it after I heated some and I watched as she sat down at the same stool I remember Princess Twilight sitting in long ago. Smiling slightly at the memory I sat beside her only to see that she was staring at the mug and wasn't drinking any of it.

Not wanting to put pressure on her, I leaned my arm onto the table and I waited patiently for her to say something. When I felt her lean her head onto my shoulder I tensed up nearly knocking the both of us off of our seats.

"S-Sorry." Twilight soon apologized moving away after that which made me miss her warmth immediately. Taking the chance I shook my head at her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder gently pushing her head back onto my shoulder.

"You don't have to apologize." I whispered out unsure of what to really say since I had no idea what was making her so upset. My stomach churned uncomfortably contemplating if it was something that I had done to cause her to feel this way. I knew she could tell I had questions but she seemed content on resting on me for now.

After an intense several minutes Twilight finally started to open up.

"It's nothing you and the girls have done." She whispered out sending shivers down my spine since she was so close to my neck. Pushing away those feelings I squeezed her arm and then I rubbed it thinking that would be comforting. I wasn't always the best at comforting people I felt like, but for her and the girls I'd try.

"Then what's going on in that head of yours, Sparkles?" I asked even though I knew she did not particularly like my nickname for her. I think she tolerated it because I was the one calling her that. Shifting in her seat Twilight moved to face me her eyes looking into mine in a way I haven't seen before. I had seen many different emotions in her eyes. Happiness, laughter, and affection, but never whatever this was. I think deep sorrow would be a befitting word for that look. I heard a sigh which showed to me the hitch in her voice and I felt my heart beat in empathy as she snuggled into me.

"Sunset I..." She started gripping my shirt like she was holding onto a ledge.

"I don't know if I can explain to you what goes on in my head." She continued biting her lip which I knew she did when she was having trouble expressing herself. This was when I decided to stand from my seat which confused her for a moment until she felt my arms wrap around her. Hugging her into my arms I ran my hand through her long strands of hair and I kissed her head whenever I heard her hiccup from the tears.

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