Chapter 6

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TheOpticNadeShot joined the Realm of Mianite

"Oh damn, look who's here." Tucker said, quickly clicking the button on his TS

I looked at Sonja, and she understood straight away. Who in the nether is NadeShot?

"Oh, Nade is Tom's little employee, as we call him. He is part of Dianite, he hardly ever comes on, so don't worry."

I nodded and clicked the button on TS. I was hit with a voice instantly that I didn't recognise.

"I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've been doing Optic stuff y'know."

I heard the unfamiliar voice say.

"Oh that's fine, I understand, but you missed quite a lot." Jordan replied.

I clicked the button again, disconnecting, as did Tucker and Sonja.

"Right, what do you want to do? This is Mianite, you can do whatever you want?"

I smiled, thinking of ideas.

"Are you allowed to prank people?" I asked, pulling a devious smile on his face.

Tucker laughed.

"Of course we are! We'll do that! Tom isn't coming on today, so we can prank him."

I laughed, I'm guessing Tucker is mischievous.

"But fiiiiirst, let's show her the Mianite temple." Sonja said, clapping her hands together.

Tucker 's eyes widened, impressed by the idea.

"Yeah, it's a work of art, let's go."

They both ran off, and I followed them, I reached the entrance to their house, and a massive temple stood on top of the sea.

How had I not noticed that before?

Mianite joined the Realm of Mianite

"OHHHH IT'S YER BOI!" Tucker screamed, jumping into the air in excitement.

"Hello M'Lord." Sonja shouted out.

Is this the guy I saw yesterday? I guess this is their God. I won't mention that I've seen him, but if he mentions something... then I guess I will tell them then.

I followed Tucker and Sonja across a nicely made bridge. The temple looked fancy.

As we entered up the stairs, something on the ceiling caught my eye. I looked up at it, and got confused.

"Guys, what's with the massive salt shaker on the ceiling?" I asked. Tucker looked up, and laughed.

"Oh, that's Tom's little prank, he payed the wizards to create that." He replied.

Hello my Mianitees! And hello Phoenix.

I looked towards where the source of the voice was. And found the guy I was talking to yesterday, he was floating in front of a golden eagle.

"Good to see you again m'lord." Tucker said, bowing down to his God. As did Sonja.

I bowed slightly. Mianite looked at me, his white eyes tearing into my soul.

Phoenix, there is no need to bow down to me, I am not the God you are obliged to obey.

I looked up at him, confusion rising on my face, I glanced over at Tucker and Sonja, who were giving me the same look.

"Then who is?"

Mianite dropped to the floor, and walked up to me until he was right in front of me.

That... is for you to find out

He's already told me this, I need some sort of clue at least.

I backed away, feeling uncomfortable with the person standing so close. And ran into someone who was behind me.

Is this Jordan? I got the answer to that question when I spotted a diamond sword getting held to my neck.

I turned around and faced the person that was threatening me. He was wearing neon green and white clothes. It covered half of his face so I could only see his eyes.

"So, who are you?" He said, I recognised the voice from TS. Is this Nadeshot?

"Nade, let go of her, she's new here." Sonja shouted, sticking up for me. But he didn't move.

"New eh? Then I may have the pleasure of being the first to kill her." He replied.

I closed my eyes and braced for it. But all I heard was a massive bang. I felt the grasp on me disappear, so I ran away from him.

I opened my eyes to see Mianite standing in front of me, as if to protect me.

He lifted his hand up, and lightning fell from the sky, hitting Nade. I looked at Nade, he was frozen in fear.

Be gone, Dianite scum

And with one final blast, another bolt of lightning fell, and hit Nade right in the head.

He fell to the ground lifeless, and his body turned to dust and wished away with the wind.

TheOpticNadeshot was slain by Mianite

I looked at the others, adrenaline coursing through me. I fell to the floor and blacked out.

A/N - Sorry I haven't updated my other books today, I've been in the lovely place called Blackpool in England. I haven't had the time to write much.

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