Love ya.

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"Eddie? Hey, Eddie, have you seen my pants anywhere?" Richie yelled at the closed bathroom door, where his boyfriend was currently fixing his hair.

"No, why would I have- You should have a lot of pants in the closet, why not just wear those?" Eddie yelled out, putting a bit more spray in to his hair as Richie sighed loudly and dramatically.

"Eddieeeee! They're my special pants! You know I don't go for date night without them!" Richie yelled back, popping in another quick statement to annoy Eddie. "Besides, I'm not going back in the closet, I'm already out, dammit!"

Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose, he should have known it wouldn't be so easy as to just get Richie to do something normal for once. "For the love of God! WEAR THE DAMN PANTS, RICHIE!" Eddie yelled back, annoyed by his childish boyfriend at this point.

There was silence from the other room before a knock on the bathroom door. "Are you done yet? I'm wearing the pants now, but you're being slow as hell, babe." Eddie sighed, trying to ignore the mess that was Tozier and focus on getting everything fixed up. A yelp from the other room and a cry of pain told Eddie that that wasn't about to be as easy as he had hoped that it would be. 

As soon as he opened the door, he regretted having ever closed it. Richie was currently flat on his ass and smiling innocently, while a lamp was about halfway across the room. A lot of clothes were strewn around, though that was likely caused much before this current situation. If anything, the clothes had caused this situation. "Heh.. Hey, Eds." Eddie did not offer the same greeting. 

"Dammit. Richie, of course I only leave you alone for a few seconds and already, you're tripping over shit and tossing lamps around. God, of all the boys I could have fallen in love with, out of every person in this town, of course it had to be you!" Eddie was about to continue his tangent when he was pulled down to the floor, his head just barely landing on Richie's chest. 

"So you love me, huh?" Eddie's face burned red and Richie grinned, watching him happily. "He loves me, he loves me~" The sing song voice was endearing, but also annoyed Eddie to no end. There was little that he could say, so instead, he hit Richie in the stomach. 

"Shut up and get ready, you dimwit." Eddie stood as Richie poked him int he side, his long arms still reaching him while Eddie was standing as high as he could. Richie's hands were just smacked away and the door was slammed again. "Get some nice clothes on, would you? It's not the fanciest place, but Christ, you could at least be decent tonight, just for me." Richie didn't reply, just grabbed his best shirt he had and looked around for whatever would make him look better for the night. 

After about ten minutes, Eddie finally felt that he was ready to get out of the bathroom, he walked out to see Richie lying on the bed on his back. His hair was a mess, he had a tie which was definitely not  the right way, and his shirt wasn't even fully buttoned up. Eddie sighed silent as he could, tired of even trying to do anything like this with Richie. It always ended up to be a bad idea and some way. 

"Why don't we just watch some dumb horror movie on the T.V.? We'll have more time to do whatever we want with each other." He wasn't happy that he had just wasted a fair amount of time getting ready for their date, but he hadn't had high hopes in the first place, whether he wanted to say so or not. Richie was just too immature for Eddie to expect enough from him to be normal when it came to dating.

"Yeah.. maybe we should just do that. It'd probably be better for the both of us, wouldn't it." Richie just stood, tearing off the over shirt so only his white tee and a pair of slacks were left on him. 

"Now come on, hon. There's probably something we can find to watch." Richie was dragged off of the bed and in a matter of minutes, Eddie was laying on top of the older boy as they watched some lagoon creature suit stumbling around with no goal other than to kill the town's folk. It wasn't good, but being in the arms of ones lover tends to make you forget just how bad something is.

"I love you, Eddie.." Richie's face buried in to his lover neck, causing the smaller boy to blush and wiggle around, not really prepared for this while watching close up shots of a self centered lagoon creature eating somebody's child for personal gain.

"I- I love you too, Richie." He sighed at his boyfriend's touch as a pair of arms wrapped around his chest, silence except for the T.V. filling the room. It was peaceful, and neither of them would have it any other way. Eddie turned his head over, placing a kiss on the lips of his favorite person in Maine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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