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[ chapter sixteen! ]

"he asked you to be his girlfriend?!" max squeals excitedly as she claps her hands together, will giggling next to her.

jane nods giddily, her cheeks turning red as she smiles goofily.

"i can't believe mike got a girlfriend before me. what the hell am i doing wrong?!" dustin groans from the end of the table as he rolls his eyes.

"um hello? i'm single too. it's not as if you're the only person in the party who isn't dating" will points out as he too rolls his eyes.

jane looks at him sympathetically, a small smile appearing on her face as she looks at him. "hey dustin. you're amazing okay? just keep being you and someone will come along one day and love you for who you are."

"okay all this mushy talk is grossing me out. where is mike anyway?" lucas asks as he scans the cafeteria for the lanky teenage boy.

"over there in the queue." will points out as he gestures towards the long line.

when jane spots the boy, she notices his miserable appearance. he had dark circles under his eyes and his hair much messier than usual. he was slouching, sadness in his eyes at he stares blankly at the floor in front of him.

"what's up with him?" dustin asks, clearly noticing mike's saddened look too.

"i'm not sure, i'll go speak to him." jane says as she stands up from her chair and begins to make her way towards him.

as she stands next to him, mike's eyes don't even move slightly from the floor, instead he continues to stare, the same emotionless look remaining on his face.

"mike? what's wrong?" jane asks worriedly, gently holding the boy's arm as she shuffles closer to him.

"something happened last night- and i just don't really know how to react to it." mike mumbles with a shrug, his eyes still not budging from the floor.

"what- what happened? is everything okay?" jane asks with panic noticeable in her voice.

"it's my parents- my mum did something" mike answers, his voice slightly croaky as tears form in the corners of his eyes.

jane notices this, and proceeds to quickly pulling him out of the line, holding his hand as they walk out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom.

the second jane shuts the door, mike throws his long arms around her, hugging her tightly as he finally allows the tears to spill from his eyes.

"mike please talk to me, what happened?" jane asks pleadingly as she cups his freckled cheeks with her small hands.

"my dad found my mum- with another m-man." mike let's out, rubbing his forehead as he looks down.

jane felt awful for mike as he tells her this. although she never got to experience what it's like to have a full family, she knew what it meant to mike. and the thought of his family separating is something that haunted him.

"oh god- i'm so sorry mike." jane whispers as she intertwines her fingers with his.

"its fine jane. it's not your fault." mike ensures as he holds onto her other free hand.

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