Chapter Two

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(Aria POV)

After I woke up I was just to curious about the letter, so much in fact that I was out of bed and out the door heading straight to the retirement home where You Uncle Henry was at. When I reached the door to his room I try to gain my composure and walked in as if nothing was out of whack. He turned to face me and smiled.

“Good morning sweetheart, I wasn’t expecting you so early in the morning. What’s up?” He asks me curiously.

“Good morning Uncle and well I cleaned out the storage for you last night before I headed home and I found something I wanted to ask you about.” I twirled my thumbs as I was nervous to ask him about the letter.

“Sure you can ask me anything hun, if I am right a lot of it is old work documents.”

“Yea your right but there was something that stood out and I’m sorry but I read an old letter of yours.”

He laughs obviously not concerned by her actions. “Don’t worry about it, like I said most of it is pretty much just w..” all of a sudden I can tell he realized something. “Aria who was the letter from?” he asked a very grim and serious tone.

“Uhm J-Joey Drew..” I said in a hushed tone.

He was still looking at me with that intense look and then sighed “Aria please just throw that away and ignore it. He was a bad man and I don’t want you to know anything about him.”

I was a bit taken aback and tried to pry some info out of him. “But Uncle he was your boss wasn’t he and he said he wanted to see you again. Did you not go?”

“No, I wanted nothing to do with him.”

“But why?” I questioned trying to get some more info.

“Aria, I will tell you one reason and then you have to drop it and leave it be.” He stated and stared right into me til I nodded my head to agree.

“That man Aria, the last time I saw him things were getting strange and in a bad way and before I left I learned of him dealing the occult and was doing some shady things. I wanted nothing to do with that. His overall attitude changed to something cynical and insane and I don’t know what he was doing but I am pretty damn sure it wasn’t anything good. So now you know so please drop the matter and act like you never saw that letter.”

I was so shocked at the info I just learned but while I stared at my Uncle’s stern face I nodded. “Okay Uncle I’ll drop it.”

He smiled gently this time and patted my lowered head. “Aria, you are okay I wasn’t mad I am just wanting to protect you. I love you sweetheart.”
I looked up to see his gentle and caring smile and I smiled back. We both exchanged hugs and hung out for a bit laughing about old stories and my poor attempt to try and dance like Bendy in the shows completely tripping over my feet. We both exchanged goodbyes and as a was headed for the door he called out to me.

“Aria, please throw away the letter.”

“Okay Uncle, I will.” And I walked out.

After I shut the door behind me I couldn’t help but feel bad for what I planned to do. “I’m sorry Uncle.” I whispered and then headed home.
When I got home I snatched my old backpack that had little doodles I did of the different characters like Bendy, Boris and Alice Angel. I grabbed a box of granola bars, a large bottle of water, a change of clothes, a flashlight and a few other items that would keep me busy if I were to get bored.

I looked at the time being 8:30 pm. I looked at the letter I held in my hands and sighed feeling guilty. ‘I’m sorry Uncle Henry but I have to know. I want to know what scares you so much.’ I say to myself. I place the letter into the bag and made sure my phone was on the charger so I had a full battery tomorrow. I was going to need it. I laid back in bed and started to drift off to sleep.

Joey Drew Studio, here I come.


Thank you guys so much for reading so far. I hope you guys enjoyed so far. Please leave critiques and comments so I know what you guys think, and how I can better the story. 😊 

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