The Beginning

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Lillian Kayla McCarthy, the worlds newest Guardian Angel.
She had been begging for months to become a guardian angel, as all she's ever wanted was to protect humans the mankind as a whole. She took years to convince the elders to allow her to even watch the human's below the heaven's clouds; and she couldn't wait to place her feet down.
She took months preparation, watching their reactions and how they dressed and acted; nobody could find out about her secret, it wouldn't end well if they did find.
Lillian, more known as 'flower' from one of the elders who claimed her as their child. She had a Korean appearance and was just absolutely stunning, beyond human words can comprehend. Her dark brown hair reached to right below her shoulders and tended to be curled, or pulled into two space buns on the top of her head.
She had two different color eyes, known as heterochromia. Her left eye was blue while her right eye was brown, just adding onto her appearance, making her olive skin just blend effortlessly.
She hugged the elders goodbye and said if she ever needed help, she would come rushing back to them. They didn't want to let the soft girl go; because they knew something she didn't.
Down in the deepest pit of hell stood a girl with raven colored hair, light beige skin, and a slim and petite body.
Raven Iris Peterson. The soon to be Angel of Death, or what the humans call it- the Grim Reaper.
She had been dreaming of this since she could talk, and now that some prissy and stuck up angels got to go on the same ground that humans walked on? She was furious.
She begged, and begged till her voice gave out and she ran out of reasons; and it wasn't enough.
So while the perfect angels above walked on the ground with humans and protecting, the ones who passed.. their soul just disappeared from the world surface, not finding its place in heaven or hell- someone had to change it.
She never stopped begging her elders, mainly The Devil himself.
After almost four years of consistent begging, she was granted access. She was ecstatic, overjoyed even; but she didn't express that. She was granted the title and powers of the "Grim Reaper" and was forced to watch humans and how they interacted, which wasn't exciting but she understood why.
Raven did this for months before she felt like she knew everything. She grabbed things she needed and had collected form late night runs to the human world, and soon would head off. She wished her elders goodbye, as they snickered and laughed; they thought she wouldn't make it.
The elders had no idea about lillian.
Raven took a deep breath before she stepped on the ground that humans walked on, and looked around. Her outfit had changed.
She was wearing a long sleeve black shirt that dipped down low, black jeans with rips, fishnets underneath, and a pair of black combat boots.
Her wings had disappeared, and she looked different. She glanced at herself in a mirror and almost jumped, she didn't recognize herself.
Lillian was already roaming the earth, smiling widely with such a beautiful and energetic personality. She wore a brown skirt that reached her mid thigh, a baggy sweater with pastel blue, pink, and yellow stripes and a white background, and a pair of Fila shoes.
Flower had a miniature backpack strapped to her, walking around while holding the strapped tightly.
This was the human world.
"Absolutely beautiful,"
Lillian said, her voice was soft and gentle- and a slight Korean accent. It could melt anyone's nerves away without hesitation.
"Absolutely disgusting,"
Raven scowled. She had a raspy voice, but was still gentle in an alarming way. She had a English accent that invaded her throat and rolled around her words and made them sound much more sincere.

An hour passed, and neither of the girls heard back from their elders. It was understandable on Lillian's end, since the human she had to protect would be till that one human died. But for Raven? She should've gotten her first assignment as soon as her feet were placed on the concrete on the sidewalks.
Eventually, the dark hair girl growled with anger and walked to a nearby cafe to call her nerves. She waited in line for awhile, and then something strange happened. As if a new supernatural feeling filled her body, a piece of paper appeared into her hand. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked out of the cafe and into an alleyway and unfolded the piece of paper.

'Zander Moore
Cause of death : Hit by bus'

Zander Moore, a male who stood at 6'2 and weighed at 189 pounds was having a regular day. He was on his way back from work, and decided to grab lunch for his wife, Scarlett Moore and two beautiful girls, Daisy and Tara Moore. He grabbed Olive Garden for them all, and even flowers for his wife.
He had been on a business call for a few minutes and wasn't putting his full attention to his surroundings. So when he was crossing the street, he didn't realize that a bus was heading his way.. until it was too late.
Due to his tall figure, when the driver hit him; his face smashed against the window. He was dead, and he had a look of terror planted into his face. The driver pulled to a stopped and the body fell limp to the road.
Pedestrians screamed with horror and little kids cried.
All he wanted was to go home to his family, but he never would.
They didn't even get to say goodbye.

Raven flashed back into reality. She saw exactly where the death was and who it was, and she had to live in his life.
This wasn't too fun.
She slowly made her way out of the alleyway and in the direction that the accident was at. Police and paramedics were all over the scenes, and there laid Zander Moore- lifeless. Her stomach flipped as she took a step back, but soon regained her composure.
She looked around and slowly made her way into the crime scene- and it seemed like nobody could see her. Her feet made no noise and nobody tried to stop her.
A bottle was placed into her hand when she was heading over, and she knew what she had to do. She leaned down and sat on her knees, looking over his body.
It was shaped in ways that weren't human like and unnatural, no wonder why people screamed and fled. She opened the bottle, placing the cap aside. She carefully brushed hair out from his face and gave a sympathetic smile.
"You'll be going to a good place, Zander. Don't you worry."
She said softly, but of course nobody heard her. She opened his mouth carefully and the human soul that was once in his body invaded its way through his throat and into the bottle. She grabbed the cap and closed the bottle holding it to her chest.
Lillian heard the commotion and fled to the scene, and her eyes widen with fear and sorrow.
She screamed and clasped her hand over her mouth, tears threatening to spill from her multicolored eyes.
She fell to the ground, but nobody saw or heard. But she saw something out of the ordinary. A girl with hair as dark as night and matching clothes invaded the scene and leaned over the body.
"H-hey! You there! Stop!"
She shouted, pushing herself off the ground and wiping her tears. The girl with black hair whipped around.
"Who are you?"
Flower asked, taking a step close. Her eyebrows were furrowed as tears began to fall from her eyes again.
"None of your concern, princess."
She winked, then ran off the scene.
Lillian watched her, and stumbled back.
"Darling! Are you okay? What happened? Did you know him?"
An older lady asked, grabbing her right arm and placing a gentle hand on her back. She could be seen again.
"Y-yeah.. I'm okay."
She stuttered out, running a hand through her hair. The lady nodded and let her go. Lillian walked to the side and took deep breaths. She didn't know who she just saw, but something pulled at her mind to find out who it was.
She felt a feeling in her hand, and she looked down. A piece of paper.

'Raven Peterson
Gender: female
Hair color: black
Body figure: small and thin
Reasoning for gifting her to you: she's the angel of death'

Lillian stared at the paper. Reading it over and over and over again. She just saw her "human".
Who was actually the angel of death.

Well hello my lemons, how did you enjoy the first chapter of 'built for sin'? I sure did enjoy it!
Now this is kinda long and I realize that, but it's totally worth it!
I hope you all like it:)
~Pluto 💫
Word count ; 1511

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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