orientation day | Pt.1, Monday

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The next morning, Jirou woke up and immediately noticed that Denki was sitting in a chair at the end of her bed.

"Was sleeping with every boy in a 20 mile radius not enough, now you're stalking me." I asked, kind of annoyed that he came into my room without my permission.

"You gave me the key Jirou, the jokes on you." Denki replied.

"For a emergencies, you Ass Canoe." I retorted

" Do you really think I'll follow directions. If I did follow directions, I'd be in Harvard by now.", Denki said, knowing of the fact that he was very right.

"Fair enough" I said whilst getting up to check my phone

1 new message from: Momo Yaoyarozu

Hello Jirou! I just wanted to ask if you needed any help setting up in the morning. I'm glad to help.

Jirou hadn't thought about having someone help her set up. She'd need that for Wednesday, when she had activities planned for the group. But she still had time to ask for help, since it was only Monday, so Jirou didn't respond to the message.

After checking her Phone, Jirou headed into the bathroom to get ready. She threw on a purple sweater, with some black ripped jeans, and white converse that had stars drawn on them in pen. 

Jirou had never really cared much about her appearance, the only thing about her looked she'd ever changed was her hair, and her septum pierced. Jirou was born with a strawberry blonde hair, and she hated it. So in the 8th grade, she died it purple, and it's been like that ever since.

After she'd brushed her teeth and put on a little makeup, she exited the bathroom, only to see a stunned Kaminari

"These freshman are hot Ji, like really hot. " said Denki, wide eyed.

"And you know this how?" I asked.

"Well, I took your assignment list and looked up some of the names on Insta, and -" he turned his phone screen towards me



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@momo.yaoyarozu: hi lovelies ❤❤ photo credit to @ochako._.uraraka 

7.3k ❤    2.4k🗨

"How do you know that's the right Momo?" I questioned as Denki turned the phone back around. I only asked because, just like he said, she was hot.

"Check out her Bio" he said

💞18 years old💞                                                                                                                                                                🎭Musical Theater Major at UA University🎭                                                                                                      🎆@ochako._.uraraka🎆🔥❄ @Shouto❄🔥🥦 @small_might🥦📘@TenyaIida📘                        🐸@tsu...asui🐸

                                               60k followers             130 following

" That doesn't prove anything." I said, trying to convice my self that that wasn't her

" Well then, I guess we'll see when we get there." Denki said, as if he were challenging me.


Denki was right, She was the really hot girl from the Instagram. Everything looked exactly the same,except she was wearing different clothes and had her hair up in a side ponytail.

Once everyone was there and sitting in a circle, my Fiasco of an introduction was able to happen, to my disgruntle.

"Sup guys, I'm sure you know, but I'm Kyoka Jirou. You guys can just call me Jirou. Today, we'll be getting to know our group. This is our group until Thursday, then we'll be merging with a different group for The rest of the time. On Saturday, The school is providing money for everyone to go to lunch with there groups, you don't have to go, but you can. Backtracking, Tomorrow we'll be touring the campus from 10am to 2pm at the latest. Wednesday, we'll be doing Team building.

First thing's first, we'll go around introducing ourselves. Name, major, and one interesting fact about you. Let's start with you" at the end, I pointed to a boy with Black hair.

"Uh... um... Hi. My name is Tamaki Amajiki, I'm a Veterinary Major, and... uh... um, I don't like meat, so I'm a vegetarian." He said, clearly intimidated by his surroundings .

" Thanks, Tamaki. Next is you. " I said, looking at a girl with long, pink hair.

" Hey Guys! I'm Mei Hatsume! I'm a mechanics major, and a design minor! And I design my own Safety Protection!"

Before I could even point to someone else, the next boy piped up. He had purple hair, like me, but his was much lighter than mine.

"I'm Shinsou Hitoshi, a psychology major, and I like cats."

" Ok Shinsou, next up is you, " I said, making I contact with a boy who looked like the personification of broccoli. 

"Uh... Hi! I'm Izuku Midoryia, and journalism major. I love  All Might."

Just like Shinsou had, Momo just started talking once Midoryia was done.

" Hey everyone! I'm Momo Yaoyarozu! I study Musical Theater. And my favorite role I've ever played is Katherine Pulitzer in Newsies during spring of my Junior year in High School" She said,  confidently but annoyingly at the same time. 

For another hour, the group did more to get to know each other. the more Momo talked, the more I could not stand her.

It was already looking to be a rough week.

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