Chapter One

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Chapter One

'... and black denim micro skirts are certainly not part of our school uniform. Nor are those boots or that trashy black eyeliner ...'

Madison let the Deputy Head's sharp Scottish tones fade out as she gazed through the window onto the school playing fields. Some of the boys were out there playing a brutal game of rounders, taking it pathetically seriously. She wrinkled her nose at the stink of disinfectant and perfume in Haggis' room. It made the already stifling air barely breathable.

'Madison, are you listening to me?' Haggis rapped her saggy knuckles on the table. 'Or am I talking to the wall? You know, you would do well to listen, girl. You need to change your ways. I've seen your type a hundred times before and you never amount to anything. You have all the back-chat and think you're the queen of the world, but you're nothing. You look a mess and you've absolutely no respect for tradition.'

Something in Maddy snapped - something separate and distant from her brain. Anger spiked.

'You're talking crap. All you want is a school full of uniform-wearing Nazis, like you.'

'I beg your pardon!' Haggis' mouth hung open for a couple of seconds and her face flushed purple. 'How dare you talk to me like that.'

Maddy ignored her. She knew she'd gone too far, but she was sick of people talking down to her like she was nothing, like she had no feelings. All her unsaid frustrations spewed out with no thought for any consequences.

'Don't you want us to think for ourselves? I mean, I'm not telling you how to do your job, just making a few suggestions.' She paused. 'Or maybe you're just jealous, cos you're an ancient old hag.'

'You little ...'

Maddy suddenly felt a stinging blow on her cheek and put her hand to her face. She couldn't believe it. Haggis had slapped her. The old cow had actually hit her. She felt anger, followed by a strange realisation that this could possibly work out in her favour.

Haggis stared down at her trembling hand and then looked back at Maddy in fear.

'You hit me,' said Maddy.

There was a moment's silence.

'You deserved it.' Haggis' fear was morphing into something else. Something harder.

'You'll get the sack for that,' Maddy said. 'You might even get put away.'

'Don't be ridiculous. Who'd believe a jumped up little trollop like you?'

'I'm gonna go and see Gordon. Tell him what you've done.'

'You tell anyone anything and I'll make sure you and your brother are split up for good,' Haggis said, cold flint in her voice. 'I'll make sure he gets sent back to that care home you hated so much.'

'You can't do that ...'

'Breathe a word of this and your life will be worth even less than it is now. I mean it. You don't say anything to anybody, or that little brother of yours will be back wetting the bed for the next four years.'

Madison wanted to punch her.

'Wait here,' Haggis said. She reappeared a few minutes later with Mr Gordon, the headmaster.

'Madison Greene has just threatened to 'smack me in the face',' she announced and pursed her lips, waiting.

'Lying bitch. You can't ...' But she realised she couldn't say anything without jeopardising her life further.

'Quiet, Madison,' Mr Gordon said, a weary frown embedded in his grey forehead.

'What are you going to do about it, Mr Gordon?' Haggis put her hands on her hips. 'I will not be spoken to like that or threatened in such a way, especially not by the likes of her.'

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