Untitled Love Story

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IT WAS A CALM and dark morning when Deirdre woke up early. He still feels the cold of the morning breeze. Everything was quiet and everybody were asleep. He went out of his room and walked across the living area of their second floor into a door which leads to the balcony. He opened it and stepped outside. Now that he was out it was much colder. He sat in the lounge that was there. He thought of random things until he appeared in his mind. He wondered if he was doing okay. If he's stressed out of his job. If he misses him.

Deirdre stood up and went to the railing of the balcony facing the highway. It was still dark and the light coming from the street lamp was the only thing that brightens the early morning when somebody riding a bicycle halted below the lamp right in front of their gate. He looked at him wondering who he was. He was surprised when he finally saw him clearly and said in as low as a sound of a whisper the name of the person he suddenly thought of a while ago, "Ivor".

"Ivor" The guy beside Deirdre introduced himself while he was waiting to be called to come to the counter to pay his tuition. He turned to look at him and saw him offer his right hand which he accepted and smiled.

"I'm Deirdre." The guy, Ivor, seemed not to hear Deirdre clearly so he asked again of his name.

"I am sorry?" Ivor asked, leaning his head a little closer to Deirdre to hear him better.

"Deirdre. My name is Deirdre."

"Oh. You have a unique name. By the way, nice meeting you. What's your major? Mine is architecture." He then straightened up after hearing Deirdre's name.

"Thanks. I am also taking up architecture."

"Nice. So we are from the same college and course. Why haven't I met you before? I almost know everyone in CAAD, but you."

"Actually, I'm a transferee. Just had a little personal problem, so I decided to move to this school."

"I see. So you're new here. What year are you now? Do you have friends already?"

"Sophomore. Yeah, I have a friend from high school who is also taking up the course here. She's the one who suggested for me to transfer here. How about you, what year?"

"Okay that makes sense. I am already in third year. Are you originally from Tacloban?"

"No. I am from Bato."

"Really?! What a small world, I am also from there."

"So we are magkababayan. How great!"

"Aldo! Deirdre Aldo!" He heard his name called by the teller. Deirdre immediately stood up forgetting about Ivor who he just met. He walked towards the counter and made his transaction then he accepted the receipt after. As he leaves the counter his friend approached him.

"Are you done?" she asked when she got to his side.

"Kim? Thank God it's just you. You almost scared me. Yes, just now." He answered with a little startled reaction.

"Oh don't be so exaggerated. Let's go. I am hungry and I have something to tell you." Kim gave a very intriguing facial expression which made Deirdre think.

"What is it?" He asked but he soon realized it must be something about her boyfriend. Why? Because she always make that expression whenever something beautiful or exciting happens between them. "Oh never mind. I think I already know."

"No you don't. Come on." Kim drags Deirdre out of the building headingto the cafeteria to have their lunch.

It's been a week since the new school year started. Deirdre make haste as he briskly walk to his classroom passing through students in front of him in the walkway. He's already late and this is the third time in a row he arrived to school late because of the traffic along the way plus he is actually currently residing very far from the school.

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