The Begining

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Yavin 4

Sara was in love with him, and how couldn't she be? Ben was strong, intelligent and responsible; always aware that he couldn't feed his inner conflict, always careful. Also, it didn't hurt that he was a tall broad-shouldered sexy man. Every time Master Luke put him to duel against some other unfortunate padawan, females and males gathered around to watch his lean muscular frame moving energetically, swinging his blue lightsaber.

They had been training in the Temple for eight years, since they were preteens, Ben thirteen and Sara twelve. When he was seventeen, he decided he did not want to stay at the Temple anymore, but his family made him stay, so Master Luke paired him with Sara, and they became training partners. She didn't want a partner at the time, she had her own demons to slay, but her time talking and training with Ben helped her overcome her personal pain. And, after four years training together every day, ten months a year, Sara had to admit – at least to herself – that she was in love with him.

It started about two years ago, when she noticed she missed him when he was away at home; he had very busy vacations, helping his mother with the Alderaanians (and with the Resistance, probably – but that was a hush-hush subject). Then she found out that the HoloNet always talked about him when he wasn't at the Temple, giving the galaxy news on the promising Jedi, heir to the alderaanian throne and his new girlfriend of the week – those rumors always crushed her heart.

Sara stayed in the Temple year-round though, her only activity beside training was visiting the nearest city market when Master Luke drove there to buy food. She had no family anymore (they were murdered when she was fifteen – she only escaped the same fate because she was on Yavin, had she been in their farm in Takodana, she'd have been kidnapped and killed too).


Inside the Falcon

Ben was piloting while his father slept on the chair beside him – or, at least, pretended to sleep.

"Why are you so eager to go to the Temple? You haven't complained much about it for the past two years." Mumbled Han. "Four years ago, you made sure we all knew how much you hated it."

"I've learned to like it." Ben said, shrugging.

"Sure, kid. I'll pretend I buy that."

Ben didn't reply. His father was right; four years ago, Luke had paired him with Sara, in the hopes that she'd help him enjoy his training more – and it sure worked. He tried to hate her at first, because he had decided he didn't want to be there anymore, but he couldn't, she was sweet and patient and slowly gained his trust; and a couple of years ago, when he started to go out and date, he realized he had begun to compare all girls to her – she had gained his heart too.

"That heavy thinking is exactly what I'm talking about." said Han, breaking the silence. "Whoever she is, you're doomed, son."

Ben smiled and kept quiet.



Sara saw the old YT series ship, known as the Millennium Falcon, land and walked beside Master Luke to greet them.

"Han. Ben." Said Luke.

Sara bowed to them (as an alderaanian, they were part of the royal family she owed respect to) while trying not to stare at Ben – how could just two months make such a difference?, he seemed even taller and his shoulders broader. She smiled briefly at him and said "Need help taking your things to your cabin?"

Promise (Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Original Character)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora