1. Chewing Gum

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I entered the school building, walking down the corridors. My silver kitten heels clacked against the beige tile as I joined a large group of friends.

"Diana!" The group cheered as I walked in. I was one of the 'popular kids', as we were dubbed. Loud, obnoxious, and pretty, I totally fit the bill. Everyone loved me. Guys asked me out daily, and I turned them all down. I ruled the school, with my friends.

"Hey, guys! What's up?"

"Hey girl," Tiffany, my best friend, spoke loudly. "Ready for competition season?"

"H*ck, yeah! Bring it on!"

The whole group cheered again, and we began walking to class.

"I love your shirt, Diana." She flashed a smile. I smiled back, immediately knowing which one it was. It was her own personal gift for my birthday. A short baby pink crop top, with the word queen, written in gold fit my personality perfectly. I had paired it with white jean short shorts, and of course, my heels.

Arm in arm, we entered the classroom. Right as the bell rang. We timed it perfectly every time, the bell not announcing the beginning of class, but rather, our arrival. Another obnoxious group laugh as we took our seats, and we were set for the day. Absentmindedly, I twirled a curled blond strand, and chewed a piece of gum. The teachers knew that it was against the rules, but as queen, I made the rules. Other rules didn't apply to me.

We talked loudly as the teacher spoke about various topics, before finally ending the class. The second class went much the same. We were obnoxiously loud, and annoyed everyone to the point where they would kill us, if it weren't for the social suicide that would then turn to destroy them.

I observed my friend group as we sat and talked. First was James, the captain of the football team. We were fake-dating, because neither of us wanted to date anyone and it was stereotypical that we would. We agreed that we would say we were together, and act the part. Then no one would guess that it was all fake. Friends with benefits you could say, though not to that extent.

Second was Tiffany. She was my second in command, and the perfect sidekick. She followed wherever I led, did whatever I did. She was my clone, Diana 2.0. We even looked alike. Both with blonde locks, too much make-up and short clothing. We did everything together, and she was my best friend. But we weren't close. Nowhere near close. Another fake relationship.

Titan and Raina were twins. They looked identical, except for their genders, same dark curly strands and tan skin. Both were mischievous, and rebellious. Neither would follow anyone's lead, except mine.

Shakira and Princeton were voted the school's second cutest couple after the Halloween dance. They appeared in matching costumes, their dark and eyes outlining their fangs, and contrasting with long high-collared capes. They added to the friend group with their excessive PDA, and snobby attitudes.

Joshua and Raymond were best friends, and their relationship was real. They did everything together, and you could see the light of brotherhood in their eyes. They looked completely opposites, though. Joshua had black hair, dark skin, and piercing black eyes, while Raymond was pale and blond, and had pale blue eyes. Where Raymond was tall and thin like a reed, Joshua was stockier, and the quarterback of the football team. Years of training made him more built than Raymond.

Finally, Joshua's sister Melissa was accepted into our friendship group. Her eyes and dark hair, usually with colored highlights, perfectly matched her brother's. Her high cheekbones accentuated her face, framed by an intricate braided hairstyle. She was quieter than the rest of us, but fierce when she was insulted.

Together, we were the dream team. Each interlocking perfectly to create the coolest, most popular group of people in the school.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around. I immediately recognized him. I didn't know his name, but I had seen him many times. He was the loner of the school. He was never seen with anyone, and was fairly quiet. He never talked during group projects. He just did his work and turned it in. Most ignored him, but I couldn't help but think there was something deeper to this kid than most saw. Why was he quiet? What had happened to him, to make him this way?
"Could you please not chew gum so loudly." He sighed. I must have been really annoying him, for him to talk.

"No." I smirked, chewing my gum even louder. I felt a pang of regret, but immediately shoved it down. I couldn't show regret here. I had to be the ever-powerful queen, that everyone loved.

After the last class, was football and cheer practice. I linked arms with Tiffany and Melissa as we entered the girl's locker room. We quickly changed into even shorter skirts, and barely covering tops, and made our way out onto the field. As cheer captain, I quickly ordered the team into positions, making sure each girl was prepared for the big Thanksgiving game.

"Higher, Sariah." "Let's do that one again." "Together!" "And 1, 2, 3, 4..." I yelled. Finally, the hours came to an end. I was proud of my team for getting their act together. They really tried hard, and I admired their spirit. I would never show it, though. I could never show it. It would destroy my image.

At the end of the day, I met up with James, and he drove me home. I quickly hopped into his cherry red ferrari, kissing his cheek.

"Hey, babe." He greeted. "How was practice?"

"It was good. The team's gonna do great."

"That's good. We'll need someone to cheer us on when we win."

"Yes, you will. Don't worry, we've got you guys."

"I wasn't worried."

"I know."

We drove the rest of the way home in silence. There was no need for conversation. We both knew what the other was thinking. I was closer to him than I was to Tiffany, but neither of them knew that. James only knew that I wasn't as snobby as I pretended to be. 

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