The stay.

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You snapped your fingers at lemongrab attempting to wake him up "Pst hey,HEY WAKE UP!" He jolts his head up trying to move his torso but then recalled his first attempt at moving. Groggily he said "Eh?? where are WEEE?!TELLL MEEEE!" You tire of his head hole flapping sound waves into your ear holes thus you shove a candle in his mouth "NO! DON'T RUIN THIS MOMENT."

You bite his neck and cry "AHHhH LEMON JUICE IS IN MY FUCKING EYE,oh well." Lemongrab screamed like a baby with a dirty loin cloth and tried to spit out the candle with little success. "What's wrong Habibi,am I hurting you?I'm SORRY!" you tip over the swivel chair and fall on the cold hard ground next to lemongrab who was trying to scoot out of the cave and as far away from you as possible,you didn't let him.

"STAY WITH MEEEE,please?!" He turns around and spits out the candle "Ok." He said.


It's not ogre,it's never ogre see you in re the next part

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