Chapter 1-Love at first sight

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Dear Diary
Today just like every other day my mum hit the alcohol again and abused me. Its becoming a ritual..i should be used to this now but i'm not..i'm too scared to tell any one, not even my best friend. No one, i know what she can be capable of. And if she found out she would go ballistic and hit me like always. Today i went to school with a fake smile on my face and again no one noticed i was breaking down. I always had my school jumper on to hide my scars from my self harming. I didn't want any one to know i was depressed.

I placed my diary underneath my mattress were my mum wouldn't find it. It was 8:30am so it was time for school. I quietly crept down stairs so my mum wouldn't hear me, i skipped breakfast i wasn't hungry. I opened the the door and closed it slowly. I met my friends half way to walk to school. I saw Alfie, Sara and Callum. I waved at them and ran over to catch up with them. "Hey, Mila!" They greeted me with a hug and calming smile. Alfie and Callum was brothers and Sara has been my best friend ever since birth. Although non of them know what happens at home. We arrived at the school gates and walked in together. "Good Morning, Mila, Alfie, Callum and Sara!" The head teacher said to us. As the bell rang we all headed to our first period which was music. I loved music, it was the only thing what i could use to express my emotions. I walked through the door to be approached by a happy looking music teacher Miss.Melody (coincidence right) she announced that we had a new seating arrangement. Great. I hate having to sit next to people i never really speak to i find it socially awkward considering i'm terribly shy. "So everyone please stand at the back of the room and you will sit in alphabetical order." Great this is just great i get to sit next to my crush, Elyar.

"Hey" He said to me in his innocet accent. "Hi" I replied blushing and giving him a one word answer. "How are you?" He kept asking me questions which i didn't mind answering but i would much rather be doing my work. "I'm good how about your self?" i didn't want to be rude so i just replied. "I'm good thank you, did you see the game last night?! It was amazing!" He whispered to me "No, i'm sorry i don't mean to be rude but-"  "Mila, be quiet" Miss.Melody said in her strict tone. "But what?" He asked in his innocent Britsh accent. "But i'm trying to do my-" "Mila! See me after class." The whole class made an annoying 'ooo' sound. The bell began to ring so i packed away my things in my bag. I had to stay behind after class to have a word with Miss. "What is wrong with you today it's so unlike you." She lectured on and on until i finally replied. "I know, i'm sorry i won't do it again can i go now?" I said in my 'i can't be arsed' tone. I Opened the door to leave the room to be approached by an annoying Elyar in my face. "So miss Mila what did she say?" I was confused as why he waited for me "Why did you wait for me? And nothing much.." I said in confusion. "I wanted to see if you was okay and also to see what she said." Why did he want to know if i was okay? Why did he care? "Oh i'm fine" I didn't want to show any emotion towards him. "Are you sure you look a little down?" Ugh he was really beginning to get on my nerves, "Look, Elyar i'm gonna be late for my next class i have to go" I hope he doesn't want to walk with me he seems nice but i just want to be alone.

"Where are you next i'll walk with you" Great, my alone time went out the window. "Maths with Mr.Williams" Oh shit, i think he's in my class. "Oh yeah me too!" We both walked to our maths class we was about 10 minutes late. Elyar opened the door and held the door open for me. "Where have you two been?! Detention for both of you. Sit down and get out your books!" Fabulous! I have a detention ugh this is the WORST day. "Psstt..why was you with Elyar?!" Sara whisper-asked me. "We was talking about what Miss.Melody wanted and he waited for me." I whisper-answered. "Ohhhh" She replied quite loudly so the whole class could hear. "Sara detention!" Well atleast i wasn't the only one who had to stay in at break with Elyar.

The bell rang and it was 11:05 we had to stay behind for 10 minutes. We wasn't allowed to talk we had to sit in silence. When the 10 minutes was up i got out of my seat and opened the door to leave but then Elyar shouted me back. "Hey, Mila i seemed to have lost my number can i have yours?" Oh my god that has to be the cheesiest pick up line ever made. "Wow, that pick up line!" I laughed and gave it to him. Sara was waiting for me and was wondering what was going on. "What was that about?" She asked me. "Oh nothing.." I decided not to tell her because i know she would tease me about it. It was already 11:20 so we had to go to our third period i had English and Sara had science. The rooms was pretty close to each other so we walked together. We passed Alfie in the corridor so we waved at him very enthusiastically all three of us just chuckled to our selves. "Bye, i'll wait for you outside of your class" She said to me considering me Sara, Alfie and Callum all eat lunch together.

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