Chapter 3- The wake

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Still Elyars P.O.V

I must of stayed the night, i woke up on the couch with several missed calls from my mum. Mila was lying on top of me on my chest with her arms around me. I kissed Mila on her head and quietly snook out whilst she was sleeping. I didn't want to be a hindrance so i left quietly. I was walking along the streets and stumbled across a little girl lying on the floor. I rushed over to see if she was okay, "A-are you okay?! Speak to me" there was no reply, i checked to see if she had a pulse and there was nothing there. I wasn't good in situations like this. I quickly reached for my phone in my pocket and realized i left it at Mila's house. I picked up the young girl and ran to the nearest A&E Unit. I ran as fast as i could and ran through the doors. "Excuse me can someone help me!?" I Ran to the reception desk and told her what happened, well from my perspective. The doctors quickly took her off my hands and put her on a hospital bed. "Are you her brother?" They asked me, "No, i saw her lying on the streets.." I responded they looked at me in shock. "Oh, do you know her or her family?" They kept questioning me although i knew nothing. "No, i don't know anything about her." She looked about 7 years old she has long blonde hair with bruises on her arms and legs.

I didn't want to leave her, i know i didn't know her but it felt wrong to leave. I stayed for about a half hour and i asked what was happening with her. "Is she okay? Whats up with her?" The doctor turned to me and said "She's going to be alright, but i can't tell you anything else." I understood about the patient confidentiality thing but i was concerned about her. I decided to go home and come back again later. I called a taxi off the hospital phone. The taxi arrived i opened the door and climbed in. "Rothwell street please" I said to him, i went to Mila's house to pick up my phone and see how she is. "1.95 please pal" The taxi driver said to me. I handed him the change and got out the car to walk to Mila's home. I knocked on her door and she opened it as soon as i knocked, it was as if she knew i was coming. "Hey El what you doing here?" She asked in confusion. "I left my phone here" I said to her and smiled. "Oh, come in" She said in a fake happy tone. It was obvious she wasn't okay. "Thank you, whats wrong?" I looked in her eyes as i said it. "I'm fine don't worry" She said to me looking down at the floor. Her arms was all red and she was holding them, she looked in pain. I took her hand and rolled up her sleeves further.

"Mila?" I looked deep into her eyes and they started to fill with water, I hugged her and pulled her in close. "Elyar i hate this, i hate everything and everyone fuck my life." She shouted 'fuck my life' as loud as she possibly could "Hey, i know things are tough now, but when you're being dragged backwards within time you're going to be launched into something amazing and its going to be worth you're while so just hang on and be patient i know it's hard but believe, and keep strong." I said to her and looked deeply in her big blue eyes which was filling with water. "I love you" she said to me with her head buried in my chest. "I love you more" i responded. She made my heart flutter.

I walked into the lounge and picked up my phone and put it in my pocket. "Hey, Elyar i didn't get the chance to meet you properly the other night." Mila's dad said to me. "Hey, don't worry about it, it's fine." I didn't know what else to say because it was obvious he was anxious about this situation. "Well, iv'e heard your my daughters boyfriend eh? Treat her right." He said to me in a deep meaningful tone. "Don't worry, i will do." After the conversation with Mila's dad i decided to message my mum considering she hasn't heard from me since the night before, she must be worried about me considering how many missed calls i have from her. I went into the hallway and called her whilst Mila and her father was sat in the lounge.

Mila's P.O.V

I'm still so worried about my mum, even though she hurts me i know she still cares. I'm worried about my dad to, i can tell he still loves her, its so easy to read his mind. He's been so anxious all morning, pacing up and down the house. My dads phone began to ring, "Mila, its the hospital" He said to me with a worried tone in his voice, he was shaking. "h-hello?" my dad said in despair. "Hello sir, we're informing you on your ex-wife, she's stable if you would like to come and visit her." I could tell there was some good news because my dads face lit up and gave off a big smile, and he seemed relieved. "Dad? What's happened? Has she woken up?" I asked him "Yes, darling she's awake, they didn't tell me much but we can ask them when i get there." I noticed he said 'i' and not 'we' "Can i not come to the hospital with you?" I asked him, i really wanted to go and see her. "Mila, i think its best if you stay home." But why would he want me to stay home? Iv'e been the one living with her for the past few months. "I really want to go and see her, please dad" I pleaded to him. "You can go and see her later, i promise but let me go first please sweetheart." He said to me, kissed my forehead grabbed his car keys and walked through the front door. "Mila, is everything okay?!" Elyar asked me walking in to the living room. "Yeah, my mum she's woken up, so my dads going to visit her now" I said to him with tears in my eyes, i wasn't sure if they was happy or sad tears. "Thats great news!" He said to me and gave me a huge hug. "Mila, everything is going to be alright, i know it is." He said to me with his big brown eyes. "I really do hope so."

By now it was 4:00pm my dad hasn't called, or come home yet from the hospital. I went up into my bathroom and sat down on the corner of the bath staring at the blades i used to cut my self. They was covered in my blood. I quickly washed them and threw them into a cupboard in my room before anyone could find them, im so ashamed of doing this but its the only way i can relieve my pain. "Mila, do you want to go and get some lunch?" Elyar shouted up to me from downstairs. "Yeah..sure.." I wasn't in the best moods, but i know he's doing everything he can to make me feel better and i appreciate that. I grabbed my coat and headed down stairs to meet El. "You ready to go?" He asked me, i nodded and opened the front door. "So where are we going?" I asked him "Wherever you would like to go.." He said to me in a flirty way. "Its always the girl who chooses why doesn't guy ever choose?" I said giggling at him "Because the guy doesn't care wherever they go as long as they are with their girl." After he said that to me he stopped me in my tracks turned to me and stared into my eyes then kissed me. "I love you" He said to me, of course i was blushing. "I love you to" I Said to him blushing and smiling. He returned the smile and kissed my forehead. "So have you decided where you would like to go for food princess?" "Nope, it looks like my prince has to decide for me" I Was so happy, i didn't care about anything i feel so safe around Elyar. He's my everything. "How's about we go for some nando's?" He said to me, he knows thats my favourite place to eat. "Oh my god, yes please!" We walked through the door of the restaurant and my phone began to vibrate in my pocket, my dad was calling me.

"Hello? Dad? Is everything alright?"

"Mila, sweetie, urm..i have some good and some bad news."

"What? Whats the bad news?.."

"Your mother shes in a bad way. She's stable but she keeps going in and out of conciousness"

"And whats the good news?"

"You can come and visit her, she has been asking about you, she misses you."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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