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I was running. From what, I had no clue. I just knew to run. I could hardly keep up with my legs. 

I was going faster than the speed of light, how could anything get me?

I fell. Whatever it was, it was going to catch me.

It found me.

I have nowhere to go.

It rips my heart out.

I no longer exist in the realm of the living.

I awoke with a jolt. Jeff must've felt it because he put an arm around me, laying me back down.

"You okay, kitten?"

"Yeah... just another nightmare..."

"Care to tell me?"

"I don't know... I just remember running... something unknown was chasing me..."

"Come here," he held me close. It must've been three in the morning, as it was still dark out.

I held onto him. Clung to him. I would never let go.

But let go, I had to. I heard a loud knock knock knock. The whole mansion rattled.

"The hell?" I heard, only to realize it was Jeff. He got up and answered the door. I heard a new voice. I realized it was two people. Their voices sounded familiar...

Oh! It's Homicidal Liu and Lost Silver! What are they doing here?

Their voiced were muffled since I was a floor up, but I distinctly heard the word "attack," all panicky like something could happen at any moment.

Then, it did happen.

A loud BOOM.

It shook the whole mansion. My ears were ringing. It sounded like it came from downstairs.

I heard the sound of something falling on the wooden floor.

I remember the chaos the explosion had caused. I remember Slenderman coming in, nonchalant.

"Someone's attacking us. My best guess is Zalgo, with that kind of explosion, but he's an ally. So that leads me to the conclusion that it's Sonic.exe and his gang."

"Why would someone want to attack us?" I asked.

"We aren't exactly the best people. Don't ever forget that killers always have enemies. Always."

"Shit... if it is Sonic.exe and his gang, we're screwed," Jeff predicted, coming back into our room.

"Think positive... think positive..." I said to myself.

"There's no positive thinking when it comes to Sonic.exe. He's fast. Tails Doll, Silver.exe, and Shadow.exe all are his backups..."

"Gee, way to bring the mood down."

BOOM! The mansion shook again.

"Dammit. How long will the mansion stand with these explosions?"

"It has a forcefield around it, so it should stand for a long time. But even the most powerful forcefields break eventually."

"Okay well, if we're gonna deal with his, we do it now!" I spoke.

"And how are we gonna do it?" Jeff asked.

"Okay, so if it is Sonic.exe and all of them, then you, Toby, Smile Dog, EJ and I attack them directly while BEN, LJ, and Sally distract them," I strategized, "while Slender checks out the explosions and keeps the forcefield up. If all fails, run to the basement and wait until Sonic.exe gives up."

"I agree with that. It sounds like a plan." Slenderman replied.

"Good thinking. Let's do it," Jeff grabbed my hand and we hobbled out, still in our pajamas. I heard Slender following.

We discovered Silver.exe and Tails Doll in the front yard. Blood was dripping from them both.

"You ready?" Jeff asked dangerously as he pulled out his knife. I drew my dagger.

"Hell yeah. CHARGE!" I screamed before running at top speed to Silver.exe. Jeff went for Tails Doll.

But they were ready. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to scream charge...

Silver.exe easily dodged my attacks, as he was only about three feet tall. 

I stabbed, he dodged. He punched and I got hit square in the gut. I doubled over, not used to my target fighting back.

He used his psychokinesis to get a large knife from the kitchen and stab my side. I groaned in pain but tried my best to ignore it.

It was difficult, not gonna lie. However, I managed.

I stood straight again and grabbed the knife from my side, using it as a second weapon.

Jeff, on the other hand, had Tails Doll. 

Then Silver.exe got clipped by my attack. I just barely sliced his cheek. Blood started to trickle out of the tiny papercut-sized wound.

"Bro, is that all you got?" he taunted.

"For one, I'm not your 'bro.' For two, you talk too much!" I said as I caught him off guard and kicked him about a foot off the ground. 

I caught sight of Ticci Toby and Eyeless Jack taking on Shadow.exe.

BEN started glitching around and distracting the gang. I assumed Slender informed everyone of the plan.

I saw LJ dumping bucketfuls of candy on our opponents that melted their skin. I made sure to not get any on me.

Sally was running around, shoving Teddy the teddy bear in the gangs' face.

The plan was working perfectly. I guess other creepypastas heard of the fight, as news travels quickly, and soon enough Candypop, Ani the Wight, Bloody painter, Jason the Toymaker, and Zalgo arrived.

But so did Amy.exe, Sonic.exe, and Knuckles.exe.

However, we still outnumbered them, twelve to six.

Bloody Painter went to help me while Candypop helped Jeff. Zalgo and Slender teamed to keep the forcefield up while yet more explosions came.

Jason the Toymaker fought Sonic.exe. Ani joined in.

It was a rough fight, not gonna lie. They were all short, ranging from roughly two to four feet in height.

"Fucking- (Y/N) watch out!" Jeff shouted before he got sent sprawling on the grass. The full moon shone brightly, illuminating with a soft glow.

I ducked and saw a fist go above me from behind. When I looked, I saw Silver.exe. I hadn't turned my back, he was right in front of me a second ago. A literal second ago.

He used his psychokinesis and hit me square in the back with a large rock. I groaned in pain and turned around, only to see him several yards away and dashing toward me at full speed.

I got knocked over like a bowling pin. I was sent flying through the air only to land on Jeff, knocking him over. He grunted a muffled "Really?"

Tails Doll took that time to strike us both by clawing our chests.

It hurt like a bitch.

Tears pricked my eyes but I held myself together. I could not cry during battle. Could not. Will not.

Jeff grabbed his knife again and stabbed Tails Doll in the hands, Tails Doll yelped, yanking his hands back.

I got up just before Silver.exe hit me with a very large branch. Right in the head. The next thing I knew was blackness.

Two Murderers (Jeff the Killer x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن