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ugh he's so cute


he said nothing as he stared at the other man across the bar.

he didn't hear his friends asking him questions, he ignored the incessant glitch hop flooding through the large speakers in the corners of the building, he ignored the world around him while he stared down that man.

dallon watched the man watch his friends do stupid dance moves, watched him laugh at the obnoxious whoops and yelps his heavily tattooed friends let out, smiled when a red-head he seemed familiar with pulled him into a hug, and he blushed when.. he got groped by a douchey-looking man-child.

dallon furrowed his eyebrows, found it ridiculous he cared so much about the angel sitting across from him, but something inside him snapped when he saw the poor man's uncomfortable expression. he slammed his cup down and maneuvered through sweaty, dancing bodies to the brunet. he slid down into the seat next to the stranger and with a sudden surge of bravery, pulled him closer from the back of his head and pressed their lips together in a hot and heavy kiss.

he opened his eyes to see the other man had his squeezed shut. he looked around without parting from him if the jackass touching him was anywhere near.

he wasn't.

he closed his eyes again and traced his tongue over the slight opening between the perfect angel's lips and almost indulged himself in the sweet taste when,

"guys, ryan finally fucking got it!" dallon jumped.

the man, ryan, took the opportunity to push dallon off of him and stand up. his lips were a tad shiny under the dim bar lights and his cheeks were an incredibly bright red. the closer look helped dallon examine his face even further.

he was more perfect than he initially thought.

ryan's swirly chocolate eyes were wide, like a deer caught in headlights, as he looked up at his obnoxious friends. the red-head looked rather annoyed, but there was a tall tattooed guy and a hefty tattooed guy making obscene hand gestures and suggestive sounds.

dallon cringed internally.

ryan turned back to dallon and he could see he was kinda fuming.

"you don't... you don't kiss a stranger like that.. i..." dallon's shiny, blue eyes and red lips and flushed cheeks seemed to put the man in a trance as he trailed off. his eyes got hazier as he plopped back down into his seat.

"again." ryan reached a hand over to dallon's face and cupped his cheek, pulling him into another very heated, wet kiss.

dallon heard whoops once again, only this time his friends had joined in as well. he parted for only a moment to see awsten, breezy, brendon and pete doing generally the same inappropriate gestures as ryan's stupid friends. he quickly flashed them the finger before tugging ryan back in for a dance between the tongues.

ryan found himself slipping his arms around dallon's neck while he snuck into his lap. dallon only really noticed when ryan rolled his hips down and he let out a low moan against his lips, down into his throat.

they jumped away from each other when the bartender smacked his hand against the counter. "no fucking at the bar. bathrooms or get out."

ryan pulled back slightly and toyed with the hair at the back of dallon's head. "your place?"

dallon surprised himself by nodding. a one-night stand wasn't something he would normally do, often having to deal with the aftermath when one of his friends did it.

!DISCONTINUED! // one kiss at a time // week[e]man oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now