Familiar: Part two

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Sayuri's eyes shot open and she sat up quickly, gasping for air as she realized where she was. The room around her was so familiar. She looked down to the white, pillowy comforter covering her legs then brought her hand to her head, holding it while she gathered herself. A dream. It had all been a dream. The war. The deaths. Her capture. She looked over to see a large form stretching beside her. She stood, going to the window and throwing the curtains open to see her village bustling below. A flood of relief came over her.

Meanwhile, behind her in bed, light was beaming in from the window onto the man's face, causing him to wince slightly before sitting up himself. "What are you doing up so early, darling?" A gruff voice came. Sayuri turned to him and saw the face of the same man who had tormented her in her dream.

"I had a terrible dream, Madara," She moused, the memory of it still fresh in her head. She had known him to be nothing but kind. How could he have been so evil? Even if it was only a dream.

"Come," Madara held out his arms, then, once she was back in bed and within his reach, pulled her into his warm, strong hold. He breathed in gently as her small, cold hands grazed his chest. The way his large arms sheltered her made her feel safe, almost coaxing her to fall asleep again. "Tell me about this dream."

"Oh, it was awful! We were at war... we were at war with... with you!" Madara pulled back from her to look into her eyes, attempting to make sense of what she was saying. "I...." Sayuri tried to collect her thoughts enough to form a coherent story, but was struggling because, while it all seemed so real, none of it made sense. "You were attacking the... the world. Trying to gather up the tailed beasts to control every human being in existence... and..." She stopped when a smile creeped over Madara's face, a telltale sign he was about to burst into laughter. "I know it sounds crazy but it seemed so... so real..."

"Darling, the only thing I'm interested in conquering..." He pushed her shoulder, forcing her to lie on her back and drug himself on top of her, then leaned into her ear, still smiling, "Is you." His voice dripped in seduction, causing Sayuri's porcelain face to light up with a gentle pink glow. She closed her dark eyes as Madara's lips found her neck, gently taking her skin into his mouth as if he were trying to remove any memory of her nightmare.

"M-Madara..." He pulled away, feeling her turn her head from him in discomfort. A look of confusion swept his face as he looked into her eyes. "Were you married... before...?" Madara sat up, on his knees, still above her and kneeling between her legs.

"Long ago, I had taken a wife in order to pass on my legacy... but she did not produce any heirs... why are you thinking of such things?"

This didn't make any sense. How could she have known that? How could that detail have been so accurate in her dream when she hadn't asked much about Madara's past since he had come back to the village after being reanimated?

"Wh-" Sayuri had so many questions racking her brain, she couldn't bring herself to look at him. "Why did you come back?"

"Why?" Madara looked into her eyes, searching them for an answer as to where these inquiries were coming from. "I've told you this before, Sayuri, have I not?" Sayuri shrugged uncomfortably, still not looking up to him. "To establish peace. To right the wrongs I had done to my friends and so many in the past... I wanted to see the world in a better state than I had left it so long ago." With this, Madara leaned back over her, placing a gentle hand on her cheek and caressing it gently before turning her head to face him. "It was only a dream, my love. And even if it hadn't been, do you not like this version of me much better than the one you conjured up?" He smiled gently at her and pecked her nose, dragging the back of his hand over her temple.

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