Plans for Austin, Texas.

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The long road stretched out across the plain as if it would never end. The same scenery presented itself on each side of the road. The dry grass and dead plants made the lone area seem even emptier than before. Once in a while a jack rabbit would run out but there was nothing else.

You had been driving down this road for a while so the scene had become nothing new to you. You just hoped that you would make it to Austin by tomarrow night. You  had just entered Houston about an hour ago.

You sighed as she looked at your watch. 6:30pm. In just a few hours the sun would set and you could pull off the road to sleep. You looked at the radio and turned it up. It was the only station that seemed to work in your dad's old Chevy.

You squinted at the road ahead looking for anything new. 'Nope' Sighing again you adjusted your hands on the steering wheel and leaned back.

You were on your way to pick up your b/n. The idiot had gotten himself stuck in Austin after missing his flight, and to make it worse he had no way to get home. Your parents were out of town so it was your responsibility to get him.

It was about an hour later when you saw something up ahead. It looked like an old gas station. It looked like had no one had been there in years but the place was still lit.

You slowed down as you got closer to it. You decided to pull in and check the place out considering you were running just under half a tank.

Stopping you have the place one more look over before hopping out, dust flying up from where you landed. As you walked up your boots left a small trail of kicked up dust behind you. You walked up to the door, hesitated, and pushed open the door.

The place seemed to be empty except for a man standing behind a bar talking to an older woman. He was an older man with gray hair. He wore a tan button up shirt and pants. He looked somewhat surprised to see someone.

As you sat down at the bar he came closer giving you a strange grin.

"Well what can I get for you today, darlin?"

You gave a small head tilt to which he smirked at.

"Your not from here, are ya?"

You gave a small laugh and shook your head.

"No, not really. I'm actually just passing through. On my way to Austin."

"Austin, huh? What're you goin up there fer?"

"Pick up my brother. Idiot got himself stuck down there."

The man looked to the side and nodded. Shaking his head he looked down at the bar.

"Family matters, huh? I know what that's like. You do what you gotta do sometimes."

"Yeah. What's your family like?"

"We can discuss that over a drink. You want anything?"

"Just (soda brand) please."

The man nodded and turned to the refrigerator behind him. Pulling out two sodas he turned back giving you yours. As you opened your drink the man leaned on the bar, propping himself up on his elbows.


"Hm? Oh. Yeah, the family. Well, back there's Luda. Back home we have uncle Monty. And then there's my nephew Tommy."

"Sounds nice."

"Yeah. I suppose it is isn't it?"

You have a unsure laugh. He sounded somewhat sarcastic but you couldnt really tell if he was. You looked up at him and could have slapped yourself for being so rude.

"I'm Y/n by the way. Y/n L/n."

"Bout time. I'm Hoyt."

You looked out the window then down at your watch. It was getting late and you needed to get moving.

"I should get moving soon. Can I get 25 for the first pump ?"

Hoyt nodded and headed outside to your truck. After filling it up you handed him the 25 and climbed in your truck. You waved by to Hoyt as you pulled out and back onto the road.

Even after she left Hoyt watched the truck, making sure he knew where she was headed. He gave a nasty grin as he turned and headed back into the gas station. He picked up the phone on the bar. The phone rang at least half a dozen times until someone picked up.

"About damn time !"

"There's one headed down the highway that goes straight to Austin. She left not too long ago and she's alone."

With that he hung up the phone laughing to himself. 'Welcome to Texas, dear.'

By now the sun had set and you were back to seeing the same old road out in front of you. Nothing had happened since meeting Hoyt and you were back to focusing on getting to Austin.

You kinda laughed to yourself thinking about Hoyt and his family. They seemed like an odd family but oh well I suppose.

You started to fall into a calm state. Just focusing on the same road for so long had put you into a kinda of trance. This was quickly removed as you felt your truck start to slow down.

Snapping out if your state you pressed the gas harder. The truck still continued to slow until it came to start. As it came to a stop you sat there confused. The truck lights slowly died out as the truck stopped running.

'What the fuck ?'

Realizing the truck had litteraly just died on you you punched the dash board. Ripping the keys out of the ignition you climbed out of the truck slamming the door.

You sat there wondering what to do. The gas station was too far back and was probably closed by now. Maybe there would be someone up ahead ? 'Fuck!'

You kicked the tire, scowling at it. Sighing you started to walk. How far you had to walk you had no idea but there had to be someone.

You had been walking for about an hour when you saw headlights coming up behind you.

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