The silent feud

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Thomas huffed again which made you smile. You turned to Luda who had sat down again.

"Ma'am, who's Eddie?"

"Oh, he's a family friend of ours. Thomas doesn't like him too much though."


"He'll be over in a few hours he said. Staying for a couple of days."

Thomas turned his head all the way over and whined, giving a disapproving look. Luda gave him a sympathetic smile and laid her hand on his arm. Thomas sighed and looked over to you. You stared back at him with a somewhat confused look.

Luda moved her hand away from him and took a small sip of her tea. You did the same, taking your eyes off Thomas. Thomas paused, staring at the glass before slowly picking it up and taking a large drink.

The door swung open as Hoyt walked in. He stopped in the doorway looking at all of you. Luda cleared her throat and turned to him.

"Eddie's coming up soon."

"Good. I haven't seen that boy in awhile."

"Mhm. It'll be nice."

You turned to Thomas who was fidgiting in his chair. You poked him slightly. He turned to you and tilted his head. You leaned closer to him and whispered.

"Do you wanna get out of here?"

Thomas gave a nod and stood up. You stood up as well and followed him to the door. You two were just in the clear when Hoyt spotted you out of the corner of his eye. He crossed his arms and cleared his throat loudly.

"Where do you think your going?"

Thomas turned back quickly and glared at Hoyt. He let out a low growl before grabbing you and quickly walking away. Apparently he wasn't the only one who had heard Hoyt earlier.

Thomas took you up to your bedroom and quietly shut the door. You walked over and took a seat it the rocking chair, he on the other hand way down on the bed, making it creak under his weight. He stared at the ground for a moment until he looked up at you. You looked away for a moment, before looking back at him.

" heard Hoyt earlier, didn't you?"

Thomas nodded and looked at the floor, obviously annoyed at the subject.

"Do you think he's right?- About me leaving and all?"

Thomas paused and shook his head, still staring at the ground.

" you- no nevermind..."

Thomas looked up at you and grunted, tilting his head. You shook your head no and he grunted again. You sighed and looked up at him. This had been scratching at the back of your head ever since that night he had caught you staring out the window.

"....why do you even want me here?..."

Thomas's head shot up and then he stopped dead. He didn't move for a long couple of seconds. He then slowly looked away from you, turning his head towards the wall. You blinked and narrowed your eyes. You wanted an answer.

"Well? Why did you want me here? There had to be a reason. Otherwise you could've just killed me and gotten over with it!"

He didn't look back.

"Thomas, why? Why am I here?! Tell me!"

He still remained silent, not even looking at you. Your heart started to hurt, and frustration started to work it's way at you. You had kept it in your head for so long and now it wanted out. Your eyes became watery and your throat started to become raw from holding in your emotions.

Your breath hitched as tears fought there way out. You held it in a much as possible until you couldn't. You clenched your jaw and balled your fists as tears started to run down your face. The frustration was now turning to anger, and anger turned into rage. You flew up from the chair glaring at him.


Your chest heaved as your rage quickly turned into sadness. You hung your head and flopped back down into the rocker. Your shoulders started to shake as sobs started to rack your body. You dug the front sides of your head into your palms and your fingers intertwined with your hair.

"...I-I'm sorry..."

Thomas slowly looked over at you. He gently got up and walked over to you. He stopped in front of you and crouched down to your eye level. He gently grabbed your wrists, taking your hands away from your head. You looked up at him and turned away, looking at the arm of the rocker.

Thomas wasn't sure what to do. He just knew he needed to give you some kind of comfort that you weren't just some thing he felt like picking up along side of the road. Which was kind of what he had done but that wasn't the point.

Thomas pulled you up out of the chair so that you stood in front of him. You still didn't look at him, you couldn't. Thomas stared down at you before quickly wrapping his arms around you in a hug. He bent down, digging his chin into your shoulder blade. You froze.

It took you a short while before you slowly hugged him back, turning your face into the crook of his neck. Tears started to work their way back to you but you fought them off, letting out a big sigh. When you let go of him he took a step back. His blue eyes stared directly into your e/c eyes. Your connection was only broken when you heard a loud knock from the front door downstairs.

Thomas sighed and glared towards the door. You gave a small smile and headed for the door with him following you. On the staircase you heard the pounding knock come again.

"I'll get it!"

You trotted down the rest of the stairs towards the doors. Thomas hung back on the staircase. You opened to door to see a blonde male with brown eyes. When he saw he gave a wide grin.

"Well my, my. What have we got here?"

You smiled at him to which  he returned.

"I suppose your Eddie?"

"Yeah, but everyone just calls me Tex."

"Well, hello Tex."

"Howdy, darlin'. What's your name?"


"Y/n, huh? Well may I say you are quite a looker y/n."

You smiled a bit. That was just about the time when Thomas had gotten fed up and went over to the doorway. He stood beside you and stuck his arm out the door, holding onto the outer doorframe. He glared at Tex. Tex smirked.

"How've you been, Tommy?"

Thomas didn't even move, he just continued to glare. Tex raised an eyebrow at you, them to Thomas.

"What's wrong? I was just saying hi to her. No harm done."

You glanced at Thomas, who held his stance. You looked back to Tex and nodded.

"Why don't you come in?"

"That's kind of you, y/n."

You turned away and started heading to the kitchen. Tex started to follow you but Thomas put his hand in the middle of his chest, pushing him back slightly. Thomas glared at Tex. Tex glared back as he shoved Thomas's hand away. Thomas growled at him and pointed to you then back to Tex. He then took his finger and ran it across his own throat. To Thomas, it was his way of telling Tex to stay away from her unless he wanted to die. 

Thomas then turned, trying to catch up with you, leaving Tex in the doorway. Tex slammed the door shut behind him as he stoped after you.

The Hewitts: Texas chainsaw massacre Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora