New Start

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The annoyingly loud "beep beep beep" of my alarm clock woke me up this morning .

"Anna wake up or you're going to be late!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

Well more like foster mom, yup im a foster kid and this is the fith family ive been with. I know alot right? I just go threw  the familes like i go threw candy........... One after the other.

I crawled out of my race car bed exhausted and in no mood to go to school. I walked slugglishly to my blue and purple closet to put on my new mickey mouse t-shirt black skinny jeans and my blue vans. Slowly walking to the kitchen to be hit with the best aroma ever. PANCAKES!!

"Good morning mom. Is that what i think it is?" Croses my fingers blueberry pancakes blueberry pancakes!!!!

"Yup and your favorite sweetheart blue berry" my mom said.

"Whos taking me to school?"

"James will be taking you to school."

"But mom!! I need to pick up my girlfriend!"  "Theres enough room in the car for all three of you! Now go before your late."

"Bye mom!!" We said together. Running outside i see his convertible.

"Ok Shes MY mom and this is my car and my friends are mine. Dont talk to my friends. Dont call my mother mom. And dont touch my car. And we will be fine. Got it?"

"Yes got it."

"Good now get in we dont have all day."

*At School*

"Hurry and go away before my friends see you."

"Okay." I jumped out of the car and ran to the Main Office.

"Hello? Im new here and i need to know my classes."

"Name sweatheart?"

"Anna, Annabell smith."

"Alrighty Anna heres your classes your locker combanation and a map good luck dear. Need anything just come back."she said handing me everything

Locker number 99 -   5-10-15
Math, history, Pe, Spanish, lunch, English, Science.

99's my favorite number. Grabbing my math book i ran to my Math class.

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