Ivy League Contest Entry

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After a bit of mild bickering between Grace and Nate, we left the parking lot. The ride was silent except for when Mark tried to crack a joke. It normally resulted in Grace smacking his shoulder, and giggling. They were cute, and I got to see an abusive side to Grace!

I was rubbing off on her, and I couldn’t be prouder.

Though, one thing bothered me. Well, two actually. One, where we were going, and two, the chainsaw in the back. Sure Nate had a good aliby, but you never know! I yawn, and look out the window, staring intently at everything as we drove through the neighborhood.

“...Are we there yet?” I ask, glancing at Nate.

He grins and looks at me. “Nope.” I pout and fold my arms across my chest. Then, I get a brilliant idea! Thank you, voices in my head!

“Hey Graaaace!” I say sweetly, drawing her name out. She blinks and looks up at me. I could see a hint of suspicion in her eyes.

“Yes?” She finally answers, after contemplating with herself. I smile and twist around in my seat so I could look directly at her.

“Where are we going?” I say quickly. I hear Nate huff beside me. Grace smiles and shrugs her shoulders.

“I dunno.”

Thats when I, Courtney Meyers, the most stubborn woman in the entire world, begins to annoy everybody until one of them spills the beans. This should be fun.

“You know Nate, I could consider this kidnapping. Sure I gave consent into meeting you, but you never said anything about leaving. I was taken against my will. Plus you even have a chainsaw in the back, you could kill me! Then, you would feel quilty, kill Mark, then stare at your loving sister. She would be crying, looking into your eyes begging to spare her. You would laugh demonically and kill her too!” I say, making bizzare hand motions, my voice raising and lowering with almost every word.

Not getting any response I pout and look in the rear view mirror. A scowl forms on my face.

“Public displays of affection aren’t allowed!” I yell, causing Grace and Mark to jump and pull apart, blushing madly. I smirk, and Nate glares in the rear view mirror at them.

“Bro, please keep it in your pants! Thats my sister, and I don’t need to see her doing that!” He says, slowing down to stop at a stop sign.

I just snort and look away innocently. Within minutes, my mind was elsewhere.

After some time I feel something go over my face. I yell out and flail dramatically.

“What the fish sticks are you doing!” I yell, still flailing. Nate was having a laughing fit, as Grace giggled from the back.

“Blind folding you, so you’re kept in mystery.” Mark says with a dark, spooky voice. I pout and sit there in my own world of depression.

Nate looks over at me and grins, but hey, I couldn’t tell.

“Are we there yeeeet?” I ask.

“Don’t start.” Nate replies warningly.

“...Are we there yet?” I say with an evil grin. I hear Nate and Grace sigh, as Mark starts to laugh.

“No, Courtney, we aren’t there yet.” Grace says.

“Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet?” I say all in one breath, wheezing for air after.

“Hey Grace, did you bring the gag?” Nate asks with a slight chuckle in the end.

I pout, falling silent, just as soon as the car stops.

“Alright were here. Remove the blindfold!” Mark cheers from the back. I quickly abide, and pull it off. I look around frantically.

“Where are we--” I start, but soon stop.

Nate, Grace and Mark were all grinning. My mouth drops as I stare.

“PAINT BALL!” I scream as I crank the door open, almost falling out of the car in excitement. “I’m going to make you all look like Smurfs after this!”

“...Do you think this was a good idea?” Grace asks Nate. He just grins.

Ivy League Contest EntryWhere stories live. Discover now